Judge of character

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"so what you gonna do? We'd all feel better if we knew the plan." Lori says as she fills a cup with steaming liquid and hands it to Carl . I sit with my back against a tree behind the group that we're all facing Rick.

"Are we gonna keep him here?" Glenn then ask just as Shane walks up to Ricks side. Rick looks from me to behind me and I know Daryl was walking towards us after 'interrogating' the hostage.

"Boy there got a gang, 30 men. They got heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They're ill through here, our boys are dead. And our women, they're gonna—they're gonna wish there were." Daryl says after stopping in front of the group. Everyone is silent for a moment , taking in his words.

I know what was meant by Daryl's words. But I didn't want to think on them.

"What did you do?" Carol ask him, I follow her eyes to Daryl hand that was holding the strap of his crossbow. They looked familiar. His nuckles split open with blood smuggled around them.

"Had a little chat." Is all he says before he walks from his spot. Carol turns away. 

"No one goes near this guy." Rick says as the group seems to go with their day. I watch as Lori walks up to rick for a private talk.

"He's a threat." Rick says loud enough for everyone to hear, "we have to eliminate the threat." He says louder. I agree with him.

"Wait. We're just gonna kill him?!" Dale says, a shocked look on his face. 

"It's settled. I'll do it today." Rick says before he walks off, dale not too slow to follow him.

I don't miss the look Shane has on his face. He looked... pleased. Prick.

I see a shadow loom over me and I look up to see it was Carl.

"Hey." I say before getting up and wiping my-his pants that I have on. 

"You wanna go look at the prisoner with me?" He says and I nod immediately.

"Let's go." I say and just like that we make our way to the shed where Randall's at.

"Good morning." I hear Carl say as I make my way up the ladder that was leaning on the sheds back side. I look down at him in confusion

"Huh?" I say in confusion. He smiles up at me with a mischievous look in his eyes

"Well, I didn't say it in the morning cause you were up with dad before I was so im saying it now. I have to or I'll feel weird the rest of the day.Now Say it back please." He says and I couldn't help but chuckle mid sentence

"Good morning Carl. Come on. Before your mama notices you're gone." I say and he nods. I don't wait for him to climb the ladder before I open the crack big enough for me and Carl to climb in.

"Oh man." I hear the boy, Randal. His grunts send a discomfort to my gut. I sit in the back of the wall, now deciding to wait till Cale gets up here. I hear the boy try to talk to Andrea, who was posted outside. Then I hear Shane distint voice outside. 

It sounded like they were talking in a low voice. So no one would hear. What's taking Carl so long. I keep a straight face as I crawl to the edge of the floor to look down at him. The floor creaks beneath me and it causes him to look up. 

I don't show fear. Keeping my face still.

'He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat.' Ricks words ran through my head as I look at him. But he doesn't look much of a threat right now. What if ricks wrong? No, I trust ricks judgement.

"Hey." Randall says looking at me with big, desperate eyes  before his eyes shift towards something besides me. Carl. I forced myself to not flinched back from surprise. How did I not hear him sneak up besides me again?!

To heal is to feelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें