It doesn't matter

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The gut reaching feeling hasn't went away by the time we parked in front of the big White House.  The group was in front of us. And as soon as we stepped out of the car, they grabbed onto us like Voltaire's.

"Omg, are you okay?" Andrea asked as she rushes to Lori, I slowly back away.

"She was in a accident-" Shane starts to say quickly

"I'm fine. Where's Rick?" Lori asked, looking down at the ground for a moment and I see the groups face turn to confusion and something else. Worry?

That's when I make my own realization. The realization is that Shane lied just so he could get Lori to come back with him. Me as well, I guess. Although I realize sooner than Lori because there is a pause before she speaks,

"They're not back? Where are they?" She asked, looking from behind me to Shane.

I see Maggie coming towards me from the corner of my vision.

"Look, I had to get you back here."Shane says from a few feet away from us. It wasn't  long before Lori was striding towards Shane in a pissed off manner. I was pissed too, but couldn't express it because of Maggie. Sweet, young Maggie, who gently cupped my head into her hands.

I wanted to pull away because she was distracting me from the fight Shane and Lori were having but she wasn't having it.

"Holy- Lana. You're going to need stitches. Do you feel alright? Lightheaded?" She asked in a low voice, I shake my head. But by the look on her eyes I know she knows I'm lying.

"- I had to make sure the baby was safe, alright?" Right when those words leaves Shane's idiotic mouth everyone froze.


Loris having a baby?

"You're having a baby? Why didn't you tell me?" Carl says from next to me. I look from him to Lori shocked that I couldn't hear Carl come up next to me and the fact that loris... pregnant.

Stupid. I'm stupid. I should've been more mature with the map. This is my fault. Stupid stupid stupid stupid- 

"Come on. Let's make sure you're alright." Dale says as he reaches his comforting old hand out to Lori.

Not me.

I shake my head to rid of the thought.

It's fine. Loris pregnant. She needs the care more than me. It makes sense. It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter.

A couple of seconds later Maggie leads me into the house, up the stairs away from the whole group and tells patricia to get a towle, gauze, and water. Patricia nods and races downstairs for the supplies.

"I don't think it's that bad-"

"It is. Now, we can't do much till daddy gets back but I can try to clean up the wound as gently as possible." Maggie says as she leads me into a room. Her room. Cozy. That's the first word that I thought when she opened the door and invited me in with a warm smile.

She sets me down on her bed just as Patricia comes in with the supplies. She sets the bowl of water on the counter next to the bed and the towel and gauze on the bed next to me. When the blonde old lady leaves Maggie sits in front of me on the bed.

She tries to smile at me again but I know behind the smile she is worried about her father.

"Are you worried about Hershel, Maggie?" I ask out loud instead of just in my head. She lets out a sigh before looking up at me. A damp towel in her hand.

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