Golden no more

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I shifted my head from the unknown persons shoulder to there other cool shoulder. Hearing a brief chuckle from above letting me know it was Glenn.

I didn't move away. My energy deeming with each shallow breath I took. I really thought it was just a headache. That's how it starts off as, huh?

"I should've-" Maggie's voice is heard from besides me but I don't open my eyes. Too caught up with the cooling Glenn's shoulder was giving me

"Don't. You couldn't of known." His voice says before I feel something being layer on the top of my head. His chin.

"Glenn." Maggie's hushed voice makes Glenn still around me. "I have eyes. I should of at least checked on her." She adds, her voice coming out low and guilty.

Was she talking about me? Does she blame herself because of my own stupidity? I'm not her responsibility, she shouldn't have to worry about me.

I'll do better next time. Yeah, I'll do better. What do I do better?

The trucks smooth riding suddenly jerks in a aggressive stop. I jump off Glenn's lap and take out my gun.

"We're here." Abraham looks back at us with a blank look. Did he crash it on purpose? I released a huff before tucking my gun away in its holster, fixing my backpack over my shoulders before I'm following Tara out of the truck.

I notice Carl start to run towards me, a baby strapped to him. His sister.

I stand there and let him wrap his arms around my aching body in a tight grip. I tap his arm twice and he lets go, the baby peeking over his shoulder and looking straight into my eyes with a loving emotion that made my chest tighten for the hundredth time today.

"What happened to you?" He exclaims, rather judgmentally, i watch his eyes move around the new bruises on my face.

"We got in a car accident." I simply say, poking the sides of my stomach to see if there was still pain. There was, but nothing I couldn't pretend that wasn't there.

"What- are you alright?" His hands land on my bony shoulders before he shakes them, my head bobbing back and forth so much that it start to swell again.

"Carl, no." I hiss, bringing my hands to my hair and rubbing my scalp.

"Sorry." His quick to apologies making me nod in assurance. The sounds of groans and hisses suddenly reach my ears and I whip my head around to see the source of it.

The church was no shelter for us anymore. It now belonged to the dead. There dirty arms trying to reach for us through a crack in the front door.

How am I barely noticing that?

"Eugen lied. He can't stop it. Washington isn't the end." I look up as Glenn says those realist words. Then, I move my eyes to michone.

The wrinkles under her eyes slowly fading as her smiles drops.

"Where is everybody?" Maggie ask michonne , I looking around and noticing that the only people out here was Carl, michone, and Gabriel.

Michonne walks up to her with a graceful smile.

"Beth's alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta , some people have her but our people went to go get her back." Michone a words cause a weavering, big smile to itch onto Maggie's tired face.

"Do we know which one?" Her words come out soft and cracked.

"Grady memorial." Michone says before backing up and letting Glenn step closer to his wife. Maggie doesn't waste time in wrapping her arms around Glenn,

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