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I stare at the baby that's been staring at me with those hungry and sunken eyes. She doesn't smile, raise her limbs, an eyebrow twitch, no noise.


It was like we both had put each other in a trance.

I see ricks blurry fingers begin to twitch from besides the baby. Soon, his eyes are blinking awake. First, I watch him look anywhere but where his daughter is.

As if he forgot where we were and was scouting out for danger.

Then, he meets my eyes. His lips breaking from its deep frown to a soft smile. I blink my eyes up at him before shifting them back onto the other pair.

She was still staring.

"Your..." I paused, it was loris baby. That much I know. But I also remember a few things that I've heard in the big White House I still see in nightmares.

Was it ricks? Or is it the other guys.

Is it Shane's?

"She's  got a staring problem, rick." I state, rubbing my scratchy eyes before pushing myself on my feet.

"She's a baby, Lanna."

I ignore his comeback as I make my way around the barn. As I walk past a few of them I realize something's missing.


Maggie and Sasha.

"I saw them go out. Don't worry, they'll be back." I hear Daryl say from behind me, weak and scratchy.

'You saw them and let them go out there. After what happened last night. There still may be some walkers roaming near.' I say, but only in my head.

I know if I say it out loud it will be brushed away. What's the point then, right?

"Lanna, you all right?" I feel him place his hand on my cold shoulder , feathery light. Like as if he was afraid I'll get burned by it.

I bit the corners of my lip and think on wether I should speak or move my limbs. What's the point, right...

With a small sigh I move my head in a up and down motion before walking away from him. I take a seat in my original place, Rick no longer there.

The baby sound asleep where I saw her last.

It was like I never left.

Like my body moved. My feet dragged me around aimlessly, my eyes looking lost at the surroundings...

But my mind stayed rooted to the ground, just waiting to be stepped on.

I hear the sound of the doors clanking open.

"Hey, everyone , this is Aaron."

Maggie appears from the doors with a strange man behind her, Sasha looking narrowly at the back of his head.

I release a breath. They're okay.

I watch as everyone springs into attack mode.

Daryl, brushing past the three and checking the outside before clanking the doors shut. My eyes snap to ricks ricks fingers as they clamp over his python.

I move my eyes around, that's it. I don't get up and let the baby's textured skin hit my own.

"We met him outside. He's by himself. We took his weapons and we took his gear." Maggie says with wide eyes. Daryl comes up behind the heavily breathing man and begin to pt him down.

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