There just drawers

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"Most of the facility is powered down including housing, so you'll have to make do here. The couches are comfortable, but there are cots in storage if you like. There's a rec room down the hall that you kids might enjoy. Just don't pull in the video games, okay?"

Jenner says, turning around and bending to eye level in front of Carl who was on one side of Sophia while I was on her other side. Readjusting my bag on my shoulders.

I shrug my shoulders at him while Carl and Sophia nod eagerly. What's a rec room? Will I stay by myself in one of these rooms?

"Or anything that draws power." Jenner says to us, again I shrug my shoulders in response as the two next to me nod, "the same applies- - if you shower go easy on the hot water." He says before standing to full height, turning around, and leaving the hallway we were standing in.

"Hot water?" I hear Glenn say, a disbelieving hint to his tone of voice

"That's what the man said." T dog say and I look up at him to see him smiling at Glenn before they both cut through me and Sophia to open a door and enter a room

Carol grabbed Sophia's hand gently and lead her to a room, Jacqui behind them before parting ways and entering separate rooms, I see Lori grab Carl by the shoulders gently with rick right being them as they walk past me


"Com on Lanna-" rick begins to say before the evil queen herself decides to nose her way into his sentence

"Rick, there won't be enough space if she comes with us, let her go with some one else..." Lori says looking at rick and rick only

Rick looks from Lori to down at me to her and then to down at me before squinting his eyes down at me with certainty

"Here's what we're gonna do, your going to ask one of the people behind you if you could stay with them... nicely, okay? And I'll see you in the morning, first thing in the morning." He wisphered so only I hear, putting a hand to my shoulder

I shrug and nod before turning around, as if him giving into Lori with out hesitation didn't make my chest squeeze a bit.

I heard a door open then close behind me and I knew that Rick wasn't behind me any more, oh well.

I see Dale already opening a door and then closing it, Andrea no where to be seen... my eyes land on one certain person because he was the only left.

I rocked on my feet as I tried my best to smile up at him but it probably came out as a faint smile. Daryl doesn't react and instead looks down at me with annoyance in his eyes and posture. He's leaning against the wall with a bottle of the wine in his hand.

I didn't like how he looked right now, how she - he looked like her, mom, right now. On the bad days.

Daryl turns on his heels and walks up the hall to a door on the end of the hallway, he pauses at the door and seems like he's waiting for something, I look behind me for something ... anything

But I'm all alone-

"You coming or not." Daryl's voice reaches my ears and I whip my head back to him in confusion. He scoffs before opening the door and going in, I wait for him to close the door but it never closes

I realized that he was going to let me stay with him, so I slowly walk towards the room with a hesitating step every time.

Maybe I'm just being dramatic, he can't be that bad to room with. Maybe he's not mean, or at least  not mom type of mean. I hope not.

I walk into the room quickly , quickly so I won't have time to think and close the door behind me, quickly to.

"Thank you, daryl-" I start to mumble but he cuts me off

"Don't thank me, I'm taking the cot and you'll take the couch, okay?" He said with uncertainty in his voice. I couldn't open my mouth, so I just shrug my shoulders and set my bag on the couch before a big fussy blanket is dropped in front of me with a thud.

I take a quick step back before looking up at daryl who I didn't even hear walk up to me

How did he do that

I open my mouth to say thank you, but I then remember him saying not to thank him. I nod my head up at him in silent thanks

He lets out a grunt before pointing behind me, I scrunch up my brows in confusion at what he meant. I turn around to see he was pointing to the rest room with a shower, oh.

I shake my head , "you can go first." I say reaching for my bag but I see only his hands reach down and grab my bag to set it on the end of the couch

He lets out another grunt and gestures to the restroom again, I sigh and walk to the rest room in defeat before slamming the door behind me, loud.

"Don't slam the damn door!" Daryl yells and I couldn't help but flinch back at the roar to his voice.


"What have I told you about slamming the fucking drawers." Moms voice roars throw the door of the room, I don't respond back. My skin starts to radiate with heat , a certain heat like fire.

I open another drawer next to the bed, throwing everything that wasn't what I was looking on the floor. I let out a frustrated grunt before slamming the drawer shut.

Where the-

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the nob of the door wobble up and down. My mom try's to push it open since the nob can't twist and there's no use in it

"The hell did I just tell you, huh?! To not slam the god damn doors Lanna!" She shouts so loudly that my ears start to ring, her hands trying to push the door open adding to the loudness

"I-I'm sorry mama" I say after a pause of silence, she sighs before she starts to try and push the door open again, the only barrier between us... is a broken door

I take a step back but stop soon when I feel my back hit the drawers with a thud, and There's a slight cracking sound.

I freeze up,mama takes a sharp breath in and freezes up as well, the air seems to have rubbed out, and the crickets chirping outside seem to have ran out of chirping.

"Move." My mom says in a low voice, I shake my head in a No motion because I know that if I do, I won't be able to move a inch before my mom has a hold on me

"Move, Lana." She reapers again but says my name this time, knowing her ... she is probably holding back from pushing me down in the floor and-

My moms hand shot towards me so quick so I can't dodge them and she shoves me outside till I have no other choice but to fall to the ground

"Mom, please..." k scoot back on the floor as she bends down and runs her fingers through the deep crack in the old wooden drawers.

No, no no no no

"There just drawers mom," I say as she stands to full height and slowly turns around towards me with a pice of wood in her hand, it must have been the pice that broke from the drawers

"Shut up, Lana." She hisses in a low voice, but I could feel the anger coming off of her skin from down on the floor, but yet I couldn't stop my mouth from saying the next words from coming out of my mouth

"I didn't mean to, the wood was already old already... it wasn't my fault." I say , standing up but am cut off when I feel a knee make contact with my stomach and a sharp pain appears

I stumble back to the ground with a gasp, looking up at mom I know that I can't get out of this one and it's going to be a long night

"Am I raising you to be a liar, and brat. Slamming the drawers, then breaking them... I honestly am so disappointed in you Lanna," she says before I see her foot before I feel it make contact with my lower stomach, "count." She says, before I see her bring her foot up in front of my face.


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