Moment of hesitation

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I play go fish with t dog , the rocking of the r.v almost putting me to sleep. I wanted to sleep but t dog seemed to be enjoying hisself with the game, so I went on with it.

Pretending to be sad or bothered when he won a round, which was every single round. I know he misses Jacqui more than anyone right know, so I'm glad he is enjoying himself.

"Oh, jeez. Oh no." Dale says as the rv slows down, I turn around to see why we stopped. Cars, blocking our way path on the road.

"See a way through.?" Dale ask daryl who is now riding a motorcycle instead of his truck. Daryl looks back at the cars before nodding back at us.

"Uh, maybe we should just go back. There's a interstate bypass-" Glenn begins to say from next to me but Dale cuts him off

"We can't spare the fuel." He says, I know notice a alert Shane besides me with sweat dripping all over his head.

the r.v stops and a loud shutting down sound comes from the front of the vehicle , white smoke flowing out of it.

Everyone gets out of the rv as the rest of the group that were in there own cars get out of their vehicles and joins us at the rv

"I said it. Didn't I say it?" Dale says as he looks over the engine in front of the rv, "dead in the water."

"Problem Dale?" Shane asks, but I look at him before at Dale with confusion. Of course there's a problem Shane, can't you see the smoke coming from the rv

"Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of- -" Dale stops when he sees daryl go up to a cars open window and start throwing useless things around, "okay that was dumb." Dale adds

"If you can't find a radiator hose here..." Shane trials off

"There's a whole bunch of stuff we could find." Daryl says as he picks up a pink little backpack and zips it open

"I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start." T jumps in

"Maybe some water." Carol says in hopes of filling her empty stomach.

"Or food." Glenn says

"This is a graveyard. I don't know how I feel about this." Lori says, every one seems to stop and a wave of tension rolls over us.

Why did she have to say that? It's not like people that theses things belonged to are coming back for it.

"Alright y'all, just look around. Gather what you can." Shane says and everyone separates in hopes of finding useful supplies

I walk further from Sophia and Carl to a car that sticked out from far away. It's windows were all shattered, only one door was left on the car the others were on the ground and it was a dark green color that looked like poop.

I hear Carol and Lori tell their kids to not wander far and to be careful but I soon toon it out and I take carious steps towards the only car door left, the drivers door.

I open it as it makes a loud groan,

"Lana?" Sophias worried voice reaches my ears, I hold up my hand and wave her off as I sign as a 'I'm okay'

I hear her footsteps fade and I open the car door fully, I reach into my pants waist for my knife but then stop my movements when I don't feel it there

I let out a huff , remembering who took it.

There was no walkers in the car thankfully, it would have been much complicated if they're were. I lean into the weak car and it dips a little

My head looks from side to side, top to bottom but it seems to be... clean? I check the glove deperment and find a pack of gum

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