My baby will be

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Could I possibly stay for a little while longer? I don't want to go yet." I ask the tiny creature that wasn't paying me any mind and continued with its peaceful life.

My ears burned as the sound of the rivers end ,behind me, clashed its waves together.  My eyes Werner itchy but neither were they youthful because of the little shit eye I've gotten since yesterday.

After I left mamas... her house, I started to walk back to ricks house. I was. But with a bowed head I let my feet carry me where they pleaded without looking.

I didn't even hesitate to let my arms stretch me over the walls and over into the woods. Once again.

I found a good spot mid sun set and slump down till I was on my back and the soggy grass soaked in my empty stomach.

Along the way, a cute, fluffy bunny found its way to me. It stared at me, waiting for me to attack it as predator and prey.

I didn't feel like it and ignored the itching in my veins to wrap my hands around it and do something- anything.

I've been talking to it ever since. It hasn't left me.

"Why are you still here?" I ask it, my head twisted to the side to get a better look at it. It stares at me with small, carefree eyes as they chew on some wood chips.

It had just occurred to me that the little buddy was nothing but a baby, not yet full adult. Where was its parents.

Where was the furry buds momma?

Can she be mine?

A let a few minutes more pass by with a peaceful silence. I intoxicate my nose with the breathes of trees and pine cones. I let my ears cool down as they listen intently on the little buds chewing.

A wait- for a moment I don't know what for- till I'm standing up and looking towards the way back to the community.

It was just when I took my first step did I realize what I was waiting for...

I tune back to the tree stump where the bunny was and watch it still get whatever water it could get from the soaked wood chip.

The furry buds momma isn't coming.

"Would you like to come with me? I can pro-provide you food and all the water or-or milk ya want. I'll take care of ya' ." I speak in a calm and soft spoken tone as my shoes slowly walk towards the animal.

I'll take care of you.

I pick it up with my rough hands and wish that they were somewhat cleaner and softer for the little baby.

I'll take care of my hands to take care of you.

I turn around and walk back towards the direction of the community. All the while repeating what I was going to do to make it feel cared for.

Because being cared for and actually feeling the comfort are two entirely different things. If I can't have either then someone- something- should,right?

'I'm tired of wanting more I think I'm finally worn..'

I start to sing to the creature as it curls itself up in my arms and snuggles its chest into my dirty neck.

'For you have a way of promising things'

'And I'll go to work and I'll go to work and all of the litter things.'

I hum the tune in my throat as I watch it begin to close its eyes.

"You sleep, furry bud. I'll get us to safety." I whisper down to it, feeling a sense of responsibility towards it.

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