Strange lady named Carmen

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    "Hey... wake up!"

I hear a distant sound of scraping.

"Girl! Wake up!"

A shot of air enters my lungs and then I feel my eyes shoot open.

"Finally. Thought you were one of them for a second."  My head won't shut up. It's all fuzzy.

I can't feel myself. My eyes move around this place I'm laying in. How'd I get here? I start to feel a tingle in my fingers and I flex them. A cracking sound echoing the room as I flexed my fingers , then my legs. Oh, so I'm not all frozen.  When I drop my legs back onto, what feels like wood, I feels stinging sensation on my left leg. I shift in discomfort but when I do I feel a thin blanket covering me from the cold air.

"Yeah.." a suddenly seem to hear the voice that has been talking all this time louder than usual so I turn my head to the side to see that it was an unknown woman. She was staring at me with nothing in her eyes. "Ah,  there she is!" She suddenly exclaims, holding her arms out to her sides.

I also make the realization that she was the voice talking the whole time and it was t in my head. I try to sit up but I somehow in up flopping onto my stomach. I hear a scraping again before I see  boots stopping right next to my head. I feel her hands grab me and turn me on my back again. Tucking the blanket into my sides like it was before.

"Your body still needs to warm up a bit-"

"Who are you?" I cut her off and shake my body till her hands are off of me. She sighs before turning and walking back to her chair she was on. She grabs a metal rectangle and a dagger and starts scrapping them together. That's what the noise ones.

I don't  know what to do. Here is a strange unknown lady , sharping a very big knife in front of me like she isn't bothered by my presents. I suppose I do look non threatening wrapped up in a thin blanket.

"Who. The fuck. Are. You." I'm surprised when my scratchy throat lets the words come out as stern as it could be. Of course, the woman only raises her brows before shaking her head and reaching into her pocket- I try to wiggle out of the blanket before she pulls out a tiny gun and shoots me right in the forehead.

"Please, don't!" I yell and squint my eyes when her finger tips are almost out of her pocket, but then I realize how dramatic I was when she pulls out a biscuit. My stomach grumbles. She hears and takes her time walking to me with the golden biscuit out towards me.

I look up at her with my best 'are you stupid' face. She furrows her brows again before relaxing them a little as if she barely understands.

"My bad." She chuckles lightly. I watch her rip a tiny piece of the bread before holding it in front of my mouth. I'm hesitant ,because even though I'm on the verge of passing out in front of this strange woman from a lot of things, I need to be careful.

There may be something wrong with the food. Maybe there's an oil or something in it that is going to make me have a stroke or something when I sleep. As if I'm going to sleep. Maybe she couldn't put me out of this hell of earth so she's putting me and using bread to do her dirty work.

"It isn't poisoned. Look," she sighs before taking the pics of biscuit and throwing it into her own mouth. I watch as she swallows it then opens her mouth to show me that she , in fact, did eat the piece.

After this I immediately open mouth. Slowly, she drops a pice of the delicious items into my mouth. I don't waste time and two seconds later, it's gone. I open my mouth again and she scoffs.

"Don't get greedy now, this is my last one." She says before ripping half of it and throwing it to the side. I gasp and tilt my chin , thinking she was gonna waste the valuable thing of food, but no, I see the dog from earlier run towards it and snatch it into his mouth in one go.

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