Chapter 2

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•Chase's POV•

I didn't sleep at all last night, I ended up just going for a run to tire myself out. Eventually 6:30 rolled around and I got up and jump in the shower, got dressed for school,

I ended up just choosing to wear a black t-shirt that was slightly tight and jeans.

Walking down the stairs into the kitchen, my mom is crying and my dad is rubbing her back in a circular motion trying to calm her down a bit.

"What the hell happened," I ask concerned seeing her face.

They turn to me with somber looks etched onto their faces, "It's nana,"Dad explains.

"What about her? Is she ok?" I ask quickly. 

 "Papa called this morning and told us she passed away peacefully in her sleep the previous night. She was in no pain," he explained "I knew something was wrong right away when papa called I was just hoping I was wrong." He continued.


"I'm so sorry son, I know you to had a close relationship with her and she loved you very much, she would have wanted you remember that." My dad told.

I don't like crying much, I never have, 

But right now...

Nana and I have always been close, she was everything to me, and we always got along well she was secretly my favourite grandparent, she came to all my hockey games before she moved to Florida like all other grandparents seem to do,

I missed her of course but she was happy there and she made sure to visit every year for Christmas and call me all the time to ask about hockey or school.

"You don't have to go to school today if you don't want to, it might be a nice distraction though, but it's up to you." My dad says to me.

"It's fine I'll go at least for the morning." I wanted to stay home but all I would do is cry and I didn't like the sound of that so I would just have to suffer through the morning at least.

"Ok," he agrees, "Papa is on his way here now he's going to be staying here for a while for the funeral and till he feels ready to live alone again, I think he said he'll be here sometime next week since he's driving up."

"Ok," I say skipping breakfast, I grab my bag and give my mom a kiss on the cheek followed by a short hug. 

Grabbing my bag, I give my mom a kiss on the cheek and a short hug.

On my way out of the house I stop in front of my sister Sophie's room,

Sophie has always been very smart, like really smart, for a seven year old. she loves to learn about computers and how they work.

I hear her crying quietly I guess she got the news before I did,

I knock on her door and she opens it her eyes are red and puffy from crying, and her lips are trembling.

I open my mouth to say something and nothing comes out, all I can do is hug her as she cries into my chest.

After about 10 minutes I have to leave or I might never end up going and I think the distraction might be nice.

"Be back later, "I say as I head out the door.

The drive to school is short only 15 minutes maybe. When I get there I pull into my usual spot I get out of the car and the bell has already rung but I am in no rush to get to my class in time.

As I walk down the hallways everyone is looking at me, well they always are but today it's just different and its getting on my fucking nerves that people don't mind there own business and keep their fucking heads down.

I open the door to my chemistry class and I swear the whole class looks at me including the teacher

"Why are you late today Mr. Taylor," she asked sounding very annoyed.

"None of your business," I say in a no-bullshit tone of voice.

She sighs, "Just sit down," she says while she rubs her temples like she has a headache.

As I head to my usual seat in the back corner beside Tyler, who looks like he's going to die from holding back laughter at my previous conversation with the teacher.

The class goes by slowly as ever, while Ms.Hill is talking about the percent composition of blah blah blah I notice a girl sitting close to the front of the class.

She looks new because I have never seen her before and she's actually paying attention and taking notes while everyone else is on there phone or whispering to there friends across the class.

Finally, the bell rings and I jump out of my seat trying to get out of this room as fast as I can most people just move to the side for me.

That's one of the perks of being on a good hockey team in Canada, people love you.

Shawn finds me in the hallway and starts talking about something honestly I wasn't listening much because across the hall the girl I saw who I thought was new was talking to Laura, 

There was just something about her that made me memorized by her and I had only ever seen her back,

Shawn groans punches me in the arm seeing I'm not paying attention to him anymore.

"She's hot," he says bluntly and not quietly either

"Shut the fuck up," I say not wanting to deal with his talking anymore right now.

"Of course, how silly of me, when are you not In a bad mood," he says trying to sound innocent.

"Just go talk to her dipshit," he mutters trying to push me towards her...I don't move an inch.

"No," I deadpan turning back to my locker. The bell rings loudly.

"Maybe I will," he smirks. But drops that real fast when he sees the glare on my face.

"Let's go," I say shutting my locker will force, Mr English teachers a bitch who likes to give out detention in his free time.

"I wanna get good seats, in the back,"

We have unassigned assigned seats.


Word count(1205)

I really hoped you guys liked this chapter.
Please remember I'm not a writer and I might make mistakes if it bothers you a lot just comment letting me know and I will try to fix it as soon as I can


I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, I love you so much you are perfect the way you are!


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