Chapter 9

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•Lilian's POV•

Truth be told I was a little scared of what Chase might think if I told him "I can't talk to you because this girl is threatening me," he would probably think I'm weak for not being able to stand up for myself.

So I lied when he asked me where I went.

Chemistry went by slow as ever, I swear this teacher is trying to make me fall asleep.

Maybe if I recorded a lesson and listened to it at night I'll actually get some sleep. Haha, I laughed at the joke in my head.

The whole class Chase's eyes were burning a hole in the side of my head, my cheeks were definitely blushing but I was too tired to care.

"Why are you so tired all of a sudden you were fine this morning," he said sounding genuinely curious but he said it a little too loud.

And a girl I recognized as someone who hung out with Claire a lot turned and looked at me with a nasty glare on her face.

"I don't know, this teacher just makes me sleepy I guess," I say in a much more hushed tone than he did.

"Ohh ok," he whispered back

I turned to my other side and saw Laura also staring at me with wide eyes,

"You were with chase again this morning" she mouthed to me with a completely shocked look on her face.

I just nod my head and she starts giggling to herself.

The bell rings and class ends,

"Finally that felt like forever," I say to no one in particular. Both Chase and Laura turn to me and nod

As we walk out of the class I look up at Chase before I walk away to see I'm already looking at me he smirks and winks before walking away.


Freaking winks. I don't think my stomach can take much more of these butterflies now permanently living there.

I think Laura saw the small gesture too because she had stopped walking in the middle of the hallway her mouth wide open.

"I have to tell Violet right now, she's going to go crazy," she says after pulling herself together.

"He probably does that with everybody he's a big flirt remember." I counter.

"Nuh-uh, he never stared a hole in any of his girlfriend's heads before or asked if there were ok"

Girlfriends like multiple. I know we're in high school so that's like everybody's thing, but I had never fully realized that he has probably had 30 different girlfriends.

What if I'm just like the other ones, a game for him to win?

The bell rings and we grab our binders for our next class, "Bye girl I got foods class, see you later," she said as she hurried to the foods room.

I made my way to my next class which was Socials and took my usual seat, but today I noticed someone else sitting in it so I sat in the next one over.

I hope the person who sits here isn't going to be too mad that I'm in their seat.

"Oh hey, it's Lilian right." The person who took my seat asked me.

Oh yeah it" I say back, they look familiar but I don't know from where.

"It's Cole from your other class," he says then it clicks who he is.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't recognize you at first," I say

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