Chapter 24

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•Lilian's POV•
(you're going to love me, inspo pics at the end)




My bedroom door is suddenly thrown open, "Found her," Violet screams down the stairs.

"What are you doing here?" I mumble groggily.

"The party is tonight we have to get ready," She states plainly.

"That's not for another like hundred hours, we have plenty of time," I mutter wrapping my blanket back around my body and laying my head back down on my pillow.

"YOUR STILL SLEEPING," Laura yells shocked when she sees me in my bed.

"Yes, yes I am, it's only nine o'clock," I explain.

"Exactly you slept in for two hours," she tries to reason.

"What could we even possibly do to get ready all day," I ask.

"You know, shower, makeup, nails...," she starts listing.

"Is that all?" I ask.

"Ok maybe it's not a lot but I'm just extremely excited.

"Lili, don't you do your own nails?" Violet asks from her position now in my bed.

"Oh yeah I do," I say shyly. I never liked bragging or showing off that I could do something, especially because I think every set I do is trash but that's only because I see everything wrong not the overall good.

"Bitch, let's see," Laura yells excitedly and grabs my hand to examine the thoroughly.

"Dude those are fantastic," She exclaims.

"Thank you,"

"Can you please do my nails for the party," Laura begs.

"Sure," I agreed. I loved the idea; I've always wanted more nails to practice on.

I only get to do mine every two weeks and the occasional time my dad lets me paint his thumb blue.

I pull out my case of nail polishes from my desk, "You guys can choose a colour."

"Holy shit, that's a lot," Violet says digging through the green section.

"You should definitely choose a shade of green, it'll look really good on you," Laura said looking through the pink section.

"Ok, I'll do this one please," Violet says handing me a dark forest green.

"Cool, do you know what kind of design you want?" I ask when I finish setting up all my supplies.

"Maybe a nude base than a small strip of the green, similar to a French tip," She explained.

"That sounds really pretty," Laura adds. "Can I have the same but with this pink?" she asks handing me a hot pink she picked up.

"Sure, it's a pretty simple design so it should only take me four hours for both of you and me," I say starting Violet's nails.

"Can I put a show on while we do this?" Laura asks laying down in my bed and grabbing the TV remote.

"Yeah, go ahead, just nothing bad,"

"Dang I really wanted to watch a show I don't like," she says sarcastically. "How about 'Wednesday'?" she adds.

"Oh, I've been wanted to watch that forever," Violet remarks.

"Wednesday it is," Laura says pressing play.

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