Chapter 28

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Lilian's POV

"Then you just click the big button when you're done,"

"Ugh, you make it look so easy," Juliet complains.

"That's because it is easy once you get the hang of it,"

"I don't think I'm ever going to,"

"Oh shush, you've been working here for like a week, you're doing great,"

"That is only because I have an amazing work wife, whom I love very much,"

"Awww, Love you too."

"So, how was your day?" she asks once the customers we were helping left.

"Pretty shitty, how about you?"

"It was school, so not fun at all, why was your day so shitty?"

"Well, it started off great."


"You still look amazing," Laura gushes as I walk over to her locker.

"Thank you," 

"You want to know who else thinks you look stunning?" she hints waggling her eyebrows.

"Who?" I ask, I haven't seen anyone yet today besides her.

She points to someone over my shoulder "Behind you,"

I turn just in time to see Chase snake one of his arms around my waist and plant a kiss on my forehead.

"Bye Lilian, see you in chem later," Laura sang before walking away.

"You look, beautiful sweetheart," Chase whispered into my ear giving me goosebumps.

I mutter a small thank you before he pulls my arm with his as he walks away.

We turn down an empty hallway when he stops abruptly.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"This," a hand goes to my waist gently pulling me closer to him as his other hand lifts my chin so I'm making eye contact with him.

He lowers his head leaning in while still holding eye contact.

Out of nowhere, I got a random surge of confidence, I reached up and grabbed his chin, pulling it closer so our lips meet, and those butterfly's that had taken up permanent residence in my stomach erupted out of their sleep.

It took him a second to realize what was happening before he started kissing me back, it wasn't rough and quick like last time, this time it was slower and gentle.

His lips were soft and warm against mine. I did my best to follow his movements with my own.

I pull away due to a lack of oxygen, just in time for the bell to ring.

"I got to get to class," I turn around to start heading the other way when a large hand grabs mine.

"Wait," he mumbles.

"What is it?" I ask.

He gives me a small kiss on the cheek before saying goodbye and walking away to his first class.

I walk back to my locker with a smile on my face as I grabbed my socials binder.

That smile soon dropped on my face as I walked into class.

Just as they had done yesterday there was a big crowd of kids surrounding Emma, I walked closer to say good morning.

I caught the last part of their conversation "Ugh I know." All the kids went back to their desks when I sat down beside Emma.

"Good morning, Emma," I say politely noticing she's wearing the exact same outfit as me, pants, shirt everything about it is the same including the hair.

"Good morning- OMG, you're wearing the exact same thing as me, I can't be seen with a copycat," she talks loud enough for the whole class to hear.

And them being their nosey selves all turn and look and me.

"Emma, you knew I got this outfit yesterday and planned on wearing it," I mumble trying to explain.

"I was here first, you're just going to have to go change or at least cover your top," she demands.

"I don't have a change of clothes," I say.

This must have been why she went back into the store; I would have been perfectly fine with her getting the same outfit even wearing it on the same day, but she can't accuse me of copying her, then make a big deal out of it.

"Go to the lost and found that's probably where you get most of your clothes anyway," she snarks even though we are literally wearing the same clothes.

"No thank you, I'm good," I say. I have no idea where this confidence is coming from but I'm loving it.

"Ugh, whatever," she starts before she is interrupted by the teacher's voice filling the classroom.

"I hope you all brought coats because it's cold out and I don't get paid enough to want to hear you whiners."

"Wait, what's happening today?" someone in the front row asked.

"Today we're going to the WDM," she replies excitedly.

Emma leaned over and whispered, "What's the WDM?"

"It's this museum that has a bunch of cool old houses and a few trains in it," I explain whispering back.

"Ohh, ok sounds boring," She sighed.

"Everyone grab your things and meet me in front of the office," the teacher finishes before grabbing a clipboard and her own jacket.

I grab my own jacket from my bag and put it on, Emma does the same grabbing her binder and coffee.

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