Chapter 3

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Lilian's POV•

After class was interrupted by the person that walked in late, I feel like I can't concentrate on what the teacher was saying so I had to start taking notes so at least I could look at them later when I was doing homework.

when the bell rang I stood up to leave and the mystery guy just pushed past everybody like he was better than everyone else Laura and I walked to my locker.

"Who was the guy that came in late today?"I ask out of pure curiosity. 

"Oh that was Chase Taylor, he's captain of the hockey team here the whole team has a reputation for being fuck boys but I don't think he's as bad as some of the others," she explains.

"Ohh," I say, I wasn't very surprised, pretty much all hockey boys are like that.

"But he was totally staring at you in class." She smiles widely.

"I don't know about that, he was probably looking at someone else." I laugh.

Looking down at my clothes, nothing special I was a pretty ordinary-looking person.

"If you say so." She sighs dropping the subject after that. The bell rings signalling that break was over.

"Let's go, English is over this way," she says as she shuts her locker.

"Ok" I nod following her.

"We don't have a official seating plan in this class so just introduce yourself to the teacher and I'll save you a seat beside me."

"Ok sure," I say as we walk through the door into class.

"Hi," I greet the teacher walking up to him, " My names Lilian I'm new in this class," I say to the teacher.

"I'm Mr. Clause, welcome." He says rather grumpily as he hands me a big stack of paper

"Look through this stuff to try and catch up and see if you can do it, ok."

"Sure," I say looking down at the massive stack of papers in my hand, I don't know how I'm ever going to get through all this.

By now the seat beside Laura is taken, she's not very good at holding a seat apparently, but the one behind her is free so I walk over and sit down there.

"Sorry I got distracted, then next time I looked up someone was in the seat." She says once she sees me sit down behind her.

"It's all good," I reassure her.

Just then someone walks through the door, I look up at them,

It's Chase, I smile softy wanting to be polite he glares at me for a few seconds then walks and sits down behind me.

Other than the whole glaring thing he was hot, like stupid hot he had gorgeous brown hair that has a slight wave in it making it look messy and the prettiest hazel eyes I had ever seen.

I can see on his arms he has some tattoos I can't tell what they are though.

The teacher-Mr Clause stands up from his desk walking towards the whiteboards , he starts explaining a project we're going to do in pairs.

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