1. When Life Gives You Lemons

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Charlie's POV

"Three caffè mochas with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle." The waitress restated our order as she placed the drinks down on the table.

"Thank you, Caroline." My best friends and I said simultaneously.

We were sitting in our regular booth at the Coffee House, just as we did every other morning before we had to go to school, also known as hell.

"Did you guys hear that Ace Caldwell is apparently starting at our school today?" Ella asked, raising her eyebrows before taking a quick slurp from her drink.

"Who?" I wondered, taking a sip from my own mocha.

"Ace Caldwell."

I shrugged, clearly having no idea who the heck she was talking about.

"The guy from St Griffiths who beat up some kid and got expelled just last month." Clayton explained.

I shrugged my shoulders again and took another sip from my mocha.

Whoever had the bright idea of mixing chocolate with coffee have my eternal gratitude.

"And last year he ended up in that fancy rehab facility after crashing his car into someone's front yard whilst he was drunk." Ella added before continuing. "I'm surprised he didn't go to juvie, then again his parents are as rich as the Kardashians, so."

"I still have no idea who he is."

"Apparently he beat the crap out of Robby Bramwell so bad, Robby ended up in the hospital with a broken nose, fractured ribs and was missing a few of his teeth. Poor guy." Ella pouted after the last sentence.

"Who's Robby Bramwell? How do you both know all of these people from St Griffiths?" I queried, furrowing my eyebrows.

"How do you not know Robby!? He's the gay guy I tried to set you up with a couple months ago." Ella explained.

I rolled my eyes. "Just because we're both gay doesn't mean we have to date."

"Maybe you should date that kid in our class, Mason? I think that's his name." Clayton added.

"Clayton, Mason is straight. He literally has a girlfriend."

"Oh, well maybe he swings both ways." Clayton said before shrugging, proceeding to take a massive gollop from his drink.

"Why don't you both focus on your own heterosexual love lives."

"We're both already taken, now you need to find a boo so we can do triple dates." Ella beamed at the thought.

"Why don't you both just go on double dates?" I suggested.

Clayton burped. "We can't leave you out, that's just mean."

"Well I don't think I'll be dating anyone anytime soon."

The bell above the door rang from behind, indicating that someone was either entering or leaving the shop.

"Sorry I'm late!" A familiar voice came from behind.

"It's okay babe." Clayton smiled, standing up to give his girlfriend a peck on the lips.

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