24. The Hotel

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Charlie's POV

The sun was setting in Paris.

The plane had just landed and the sky was cast in shades of orange, pink and violet that faded into a deep blue.

I spent the entirety of the plane ride rereading 'The Fault in Our Stars' whilst the person next to me talked in his sleep and drooled on the right shoulder of his cadet grey hoodie.

This is why I refuse to sleep when I am in the presence of other people.

Miss Saunders and Vice Principal Kirke began to do a head count as we stood awkwardly in the waiting area. Ella was attached to Tom, after having to spend the plane ride two rows apart.

"My legs are so sore." Clayton complained from beside me.

"At least one's not broken." I retorted, standing uncomfortably on my crutches.

I should have just stayed home, then again, Paris is worth being uncomfortable for.

"Okay, if any of you need to go to the bathroom before we leave, please do so. First we will drop our things off at the hotel, then we will go out for dinner and maybe see a few landmarks." Miss Saunders announced.

I couldn't wait to see all that Paris has to offer.

I glanced over at Ryan, who was laughing at something one of his friends had just said. I didn't know how I felt about him, I mean, don't get me wrong, he's totally good looking. There's just the whole 'member of the football team' thing.

Joey wasn't the only one on the team who bullied me. In fact, the only one on their team who has never bullied me was Tom Barrol.

Ryan caught me staring, so I quickly look away.

We piled onto a bus that took us to the hotel where we was going to be staying for the rest of the trip. I looked out the window, admiring the city as it passed us by whilst Clayton went on about how Olivia kept texting him, wanting to get back together.

Olivia was nice when they first started dating, then she turned into a, well, a b-word. I advised Clayton that he was better off without her before continuing to admire Paris in all of it's evening glory.

The hotel was far grander than I expected, which lead me to wonder how much my parents paid for this trip.

We all waited in the hotel's foyer for Miss Saunders to retrieve hotel keys while Vice Principal Kirke spoke about decorum. "Please treat all members of this hotel with respect, don't make too much noise, and don't destroy the rooms which you will be staying in for the next few days."

Miss Saunders returned with a bright smile on her face and a stack of keycards in her hand. "Alrighty, let's get you all into pairs."

"Can we choose our roommates?" Ella wondered, winking at Tom.

"Absolutely not." Miss Saunders gave a warning look.

"Girls, come with me. I will be putting you into pairs while Mr Kirke puts the boys in pairs."

After Miss Saunders lead the girls away, the Vice Principal began to pair us.

"Ben and Tyson, here's your key."

I hope I get paired with Clayton, I don't know what I'll do if I am paired with some nincompoop.


you will share with.....


Clayton groaned beside me. He seriously hates Ryan, which is totally understandable. If Clayton started liking someone who once bullied him, I would feel the exact same way.

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