47. Guilty Pleasure

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Charlie's POV

Before school started the next morning, I waited for Ella and Clayton in our regular booth at The Coffee House.

I had texted them to meet me here, without Ryan and Tom, so that we could talk.

I looked up at the sound of the door swinging open to see both Ella and Clayton walking in.

"Hi." I said awkwardly as they slid into the seat opposite me.

"Hey, Charlie." Ella spoke first. "How are you?"

"I'm okay." I said.

Clayton couldn't even look at me.

"Charlie, I'm sorry about your birthday. I never should have pressured you into throwing a party, and I never should have ruined it." Ella reached over to put her hand on my arm.

"It wasn't that bad." I lied. It truly was horrible. If you googled 'worst birthday parties' there would probably be a tiny little snapshot of mine.

"And I'm sorry I hooked up with your sister, but it only happened a few times." Clayton blurted out.

"A few times? I thought she was your secret girlfriend?" I wondered.

"I never had a secret girlfriend. Nora and I were just..."

"Actually, I'd rather not hear the details." I interrupted him.

He let out a prolonged sigh. "It was wrong of me, I never should have done it. I understand if you hate me."

I sighed.

"I could never hate you guys. You're my best friends." I said.

"So, the trio is back together?" Ella's eyes lit up.

I was hesitant. I mean, how could I trust Clayton to not make out with my sister again?

Guess it'll have to be a shot in the dark.

I smiled. "Yes, the trio is back together."

They both stood up to lean over the table and hug me. I stood and met them halfway.

"But don't kiss my sister ever again." I warned Clayton, mid hug.

He chuckled. "Don't worry, that is definitely over."

It felt good to have my friends back, even if I was still a little mad at them.

Our hug ended and we sat back down just in time for the waitress to come and take our orders.

Now all I had to do was talk to Ryan.

And I had no idea what I was going to say to him.


Ace didn't show up at school today.

A part of me wanted to believe that maybe he was at home, sick, in bed and eating chicken noodle soup.

But I knew why he didn't show.

Whatever happened between us last night clearly spooked him.

During lunch, I sat at my regular table, eating a pork sandwich whilst Ella started talking about Christmas.

"So, I have a few ideas of what you guys can get me for Christmas." She started.

"Try and remember that we don't have big bucks like you." Clayton added. Ella rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry, my present won't cost a thing." She kept us in suspense for another few minutes as she finished off her smoothie with a loud and excruciating slurp.

"All I want for Christmas this year is a slumber party, just us three, like old times. We can watch Christmas movies, get drunk on eggnog and bake Christmas cookies!" She beamed with excitement.

Clayton and I shared a look of confusion. This was what she wanted for Christmas?

I would have settled for a gift voucher at the Pizza Palace.

"Pleaseee." She begged us.

"Fine." I caved in.

I've always loved Christmas movies, they were a guilty pleasure.

Clayton remained silent, causing Ella to kick him from beneath the table.

"Ow! Alright, alright! Christmas slumber party for three!"

It actually sounded nice, as long as it didn't turn out like my crappy birthday.

"Did I just hear you say Christmas slumber party? Or am I tripping?" Ryan's voice came from behind.

"Sorry, Ryan. No dates allowed." Ella added.

Ryan stood beside me. "Hi Charlie. Can we talk?"

I felt a sudden pit in my stomach when I nodded. Slowly, I dragged my feet away from the table and out of earshot.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I know I really didn't seem okay, but hearing that question all of the time was starting to get to me.

"I'm fine." I said.

He shifted uncomfortably, his eyes glued to the ground as he spoke. "I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I know I broke your trust by keeping a secret from you."

"It's fine." I said.

"It's not. I can tell that you're still upset." His eyes rose from the ground and landed on mine.

"Ryan, it's okay." I said.

Okay Charlie, now break up with him, kindly and tell him you still want to be friends. I told myself.

We were already basically friends. I mean, we've only kissed like a half a dozen times, not that I've been keeping count. It was no more than eleven. I didn't see him as a boyfriend.

"Uh-" I started to speak, but Ryan interrupted me with three little words. I swear my heart halted in my chest, and all the air in my lungs threatened to escape.

"I love you."

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