63. Fireworks, Disco Balls, Balloons.....

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Ace's POV

If I wasn't a semi-alcoholic, I never would have understood Charlie's drunk text message.

I had sent plenty of drunk texts to easily decipher it.

He must've been completely hammered. I mean, not a single word was spelled correctly, except for the ones with a singular letter like 'I'.

I reread the text for the one hundredth time, still no clue as what to say or do.

The truth was, I did not know what I wanted, so it was probably for the best that we didn't hang out anymore.

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" Adelaide wondered, taking a seat on the couch next to me.

"What party?" I queried.

"You know Ella Jonson?" I nodded my head. "We'll, she is throwing a New Years party at her place and she invited us."

"Nah, I think I'm good."

Didn't really feel all that social right now. Then again, when have I ever felt social.

"Charlie will be there." She pressed, kicking her feet into my right leg.

"So?" I shoved her feet away from me.

Having a twin is fucking annoying, I definitely do not recommend it.

"I thought you were friends? What's going on with you guys?" Adelaide wondered.


"We literally shared a womb together, i know you better than anyone, and I know when you're lying." She nudged me.

"Just fuck off, Della!" I spat.

"Damn, I'm so hurt." She said sarcastically, dramatically placing her manicured hand over her heart.

Her face fell sternly as she cautiously moved closer to me. "You like him, don't you?"

I scoffed. "What?"

"I love you bro, but it needs to be said. You have a thing for Charlie."

I inhaled a shaky breath.

"I know you're scared to move on.... from Owen, but he wouldn't want you to spend the rest of your life alone and afraid of falling in love again." She put a hand on my shoulder. "You wouldn't be betraying him."

Owen Lewis Jameson was my best friend, But we were much more than that.

He was the first person that I had ever loved.

I wasn't just afraid of moving on from him. I was afraid if I moved on with someone new, they'd somehow end up just like he did.

It was my fault.

It was all my fault.

The night that Owen crashed his car, we had a fight. I had said things that I can never take back.

I was broken. And I was cursed.

"I'm the reason he's gone." I told her.

"No you're not. Don't say that." She pulled me into a hug. "It's not your fault." She rubbed my back in an anti-clockwise motion.

I let out a prolonged sigh, pulling out of the hug and wiping away the tears from my eyes before they had a chance to fall.

"I need a fucking cigarette." I inhaled sharply, rising from my seat on the couch and rushing towards the marble staircase in the foyer.

I had a secret stash of 'rainy day' cigarettes hidden in my closet, along with a flask of vodka and my fake I.D.

It was not even one in the afternoon yet, but It's five o'clock somewhere, right?

After retrieving my rainy day cigarettes and flask, I took a swig of vodka before putting one of the cigarettes between my lips and igniting it as I walked over towards one of my bedroom windows to throw it open.

I inhaled smoke, letting it fall into my lungs as I held a breath for a short moment. Then, I released the smoke out of my mouth and through the open window.

Honestly, attempting to give up smoking was a stupid idea from the start.

I took another swift gulp of vodka before I put the cigarette back to my lips and took another drag.

"Acey!" Adam gasped. "Smoking is bad!"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry, it's a healthy cigarette." I lied.

"I'm not stupid!" He quipped.

I let out an exasperated sigh before putting the cigarette out on my window sill.

"There. Happy?"

He put a thumbs up. "Yes! Can we go to the park now?" He asked.

"Who said that I was going to take you to the park?" I asked him.

"Delly!" He said.

I rolled my eyes with a groan. "Well, tell Delly to take you."

"Acey! Pweaseeeee!" He begged, tugging at my right leg.

Little siblings, am I right? Extremely annoying, but at the end of the day, you could never say no to them.

"Fine, go and get ready then."

Charlie's POV

"Oh my god, Charlie?" Ella's jaw dropped as she looked up and down at my new appearance.

"Damn dude, you look sweet!" Clayton added, observing me.

"Seriously! I think i might be into gay guys." Ella looked at me seductively.

"Ella, can you stop being weird." I spoke.

"But you look so hot!" She waggled her eyebrows.

I had thought they would have disapproved of my new look.

"Okay, so the party is planned! My parents are out of town, thank god, and we are about the throw the most epic party in all of party history. I'm talking fireworks, disco balls, balloons, snacks, New Years glasses! Oh, and I bought really cute and glittery top hats for everyone to wear!"

"Nobody is gonna want to wear top hats." Clayton scoffed. "Especially ones with glitter on them."

Ella let out a groan. "Fine. No top hats for the basic people."

"How many people are going to be at this party?" I wondered.

"Uh, like a hundred? Give or take." She answered casually.

"Huh?" Clayton reacted.

"A hundred people? You're kidding!" I was surprised. I had expected like, maybe twenty people?

"Nope. Some people from St Griffiths will be there too. I'm going to make sure my party will be the best party ever!" Ella always was determined to get her way.

This year went by super quickly, but I was eager for it to finally end. As if a new year could suddenly make me feel better. Yeah right, Charlie. Keep on dreaming.

"Gah! I'm so excited for tonight!!!" Ella hopped up and down with excitement.

Too much excitement if you asked me.

I couldn't help but wonder what tonight had in store for us.


Another short chapter. Not to worry, the final few chapters will be extra long, but that means I might take a little longer to release them. But I promise I will work to release them asap.

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