59. Shut up, Nerd

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Ace's POV

"Can I have your old motorcycle?" Adam asked me.

My parents had bought me a brand new Kawasaki Ninja 650 for Christmas, which was fitting, seeing as my old one was currently out of order and gathering tiny specks of dust in the garage.

"Maybe when you're old enough." I ruffled his hair.

He let out a groan as he continued fidgeting with his new dinosaur toy.

"Ace, can you give me a tattoo?" Della asked. Another gift that I had gotten from my dear parents: a tattoo gun.

I know what you're thinking.

What kind of parents get their seventeen year old son a tattoo gun?

And what kind of parents allow said seventeen year old to get tattoos?

Well, At first they were against it. In fact, they were pretty adamant in their decision that i was not allowed to get one.

I didn't listen to them, of course.

After all, it's my body, and it's my choice.

"Cash or credit?" I counter-asked.

She scoffed, throwing an empty box at my head.

"Adelaide, what have I told you about throwing things?" My mom entered the living room, dressed to kill, which could only mean one thing.

She was bailing.

"Not to do it?" Della responded.

My mother sighed. "Play nice, kids. Your father and I are headed out for dinner with clients."

"But it's Christmas." Adam frowned, dropping his toy onto the ground.

"I know sweet bunny." Mother dearest leaned down toward Adam and kissed his forehead. "When we get back, we'll play a fun game, how does that sound?"

"Okay." Adam's response was withdrawn.

He slid off of the couch and picked up his fallen toy before trudging his way upstairs.

"Alrighty, be back soon." Mom said, click-clacking her heels to the front door.

I switched the channel on the tv as Della began to laugh. Whatever was on her phone must've been amusing.

"What are you laughing at?" I wondered.

"Nothing" Was her answer.

I rolled my eyes at her as I looked down at the text that Charlie had sent me earlier today.

Do you want to come over later?

It felt as if everything was happening too fast. I had attempted to reply to his text, but I didn't really know what to say. I was confused.

Charlie confused me.

Charlie's POV

It was past eleven o'clock when I slowly placed Cinnamon's collar in one of my many memory boxes, closing the lid after I did so.

I couldn't believe he was gone.

I picked up and carried the memory box to the closet and tucked it up on the shelf where the other boxes were.

Each of them were arranged in a particular order.

The box I had just returned to the closet was filled with things that make me sad.

Then there were other boxes. A box of small trinkets that I have received throughout the years.

A box filled with my happiest memories.

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