60. Wildfire

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Charlie's POV

His lips were a match, and mine were a forest.

Together, we burned like wildfire.

His body pressed against mine, just has his lips had.

If this were a rom-com, there would be a fireworks display in the background.

But this was reality...

He pulled away by an inch, panting. His breath mingled with mine, his evergreen eyes gazing into mine.

"What does this mean?" I asked.

He pulled further away, panic in his eyes.

"I should go." He said.

"Wait." I stopped him by grasping his shoulder. "I thought that maybe...since we kissed, maybe-"

"What?" He turned to face me. "That we'd start dating now?"

He let out a scoff. "I don't date."

I released my hold on his shoulder, the wildfire inside of me was dying out, and he was the firefighter.

"What are you doing?" I snapped, making sure to keep my voice at a low enough level that I didn't wake my parents up. "You can't just deny what's-"

"I don't know what I'm doing. Okay?"

I could feel my heart hurting. Is that normal? Maybe I'm just being dramatic.

"I gotta go." He picked up his jacket that he dropped on the floor and made his way to the window, hopping out onto the roof without a second glance.

The taste of his lips still lingered.


"Thanks for agreeing to see me." Ryan spoke first as we sat down for coffee at The Coffee House the following morning.

I was surprised when I woke up to his text asking me to meet him.

"I figured I owed you another apology." I replied.

"No. I owe you one." He said, shifting in his seat. I rose my eyebrows at him.

"Im sorry for the way I acted. I mean, I was upset. But, it still didn't excuse my behavior." He looked into my eyes.

"We can't always help who we like." He stated.


"Can we still be friends?" He wondered.

I didn't know the answer to that.

"Uh, sure." I gave him a half smile.

We talked for another twenty minutes before he upped and left. Something about his mom needing him to do some grocery shopping. I remained there, glued to my seat, alone.

I was at a crossroads in my life. I had no idea what direction I wanted to take.

Why is life so freaking complicated?

I felt exhausted, both emotionally and physically.

I needed to get out of my own head.

I sighed, slumping further into my seat as I pulled out my phone.

Want to get drunk? I sent a text to my best friends.

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