7. String of Hearts

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Charlie's POV

"How'd it go with Stanley?" Was the first thing Ella said to me on Monday morning as we were sitting in a booth at the Coffee House, waiting for our morning mochas.

"What's this?" Clayton queried.

"I set Charlie up with this guy named Stan at my birthday party."

"Ooooh." Clayton looked at me with inquisitive eyes.

"All we did was talk and get drunk."

"Did you at least get his number?" Ella wondered. I shook my head.

"What about his social media?" Clayton added. Again, I shook my head.

"Did you like him at least? Give us something!" Ella said dramatically.

"Yeah, he seemed like a nice guy."

"Nice enough for a second date?" Ella smiled suggestively.

"Hello, children." Caroline interrupted our conversation, placing our drinks down on the table.

"Hi Caroline." The three of us greeted her in unison.

"Enjoy your drinks." She smiled, rushing back behind the counter.

I took a sip from my drink, the taste of warm chocolate and coffee swimming down my throat.

"I wonder if we'll go to France for French class?" Ella voiced.

"I hope so." I said. Clayton nodded his head.

"I bet there are a lot of hot guys in Paris." Ella tapped on my shoulder.

"Don't you already have a boyfriend?" Clayton asked before taking a sip from his mocha.

"Not for me! For Charlie!"


After homeroom, i had science class. Mrs Dandry was currently explaining today's lesson when Ace Caldwell arrived late, his hair a mess.

He took his assigned seat next to me, the familiar scent of cigarettes, coffee and his cologne infiltrating my nostrils.

"You're late, Mr Caldwell." I did my best Mrs Dandry impersonation in a whisper.

"Shut the fuck up." He spat.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I scoffed at his outburst before jotting down answers in today's worksheet.

"Before this lesson is over, I will be giving you and your assigned partner a pro-longed homework assignment. Each pair will choose a plant at the front of the room to take home, study, take care of. I want you to learn everything you can about this plant. The assignment is written down on the worksheet that is now being handed out." Mrs Dandry pointed towards Sara, a girl in our class who was closest to the teacher's desk.

"If you fail to complete this assignment, it will affect your grade. If your chosen plant dies, it will also affect your grade. Treat this plant as you would a child."

Sara gave Ace and I the homework sheet, and I was quick to study it.

I read over many lines before coming to a stop at one sentence.

Shared Custody: you and your partner will take turns taking care of this plant. Using a notebook, you will describe the plant each day.

What the heck does that even mean? Is it meant to be some kind of plant diary?

Are we supposed to talk about it's feelings?

"Very well, class dismissed. Don't forget your plant on your way out."

Ace walked out of the classroom in a hurry, without choosing a plant. I was slow to gather my things, so all the other students had already left with their plants by the time I got to the front.

I picked up the potted plant, reading it's label.

Ceropegia. Also called the String of Hearts.

I couldn't help but laugh.

I walked out of the room in a hurry, clasping the potted plant in my hands. I made my way to my locker to put the plant inside. Can plants survive in high school lockers?

Let's hope so.

I quickly did the code to my locker, placing the plant on one of the shelves before shutting it. I was going to be late for AP English.

I speed-walked down the corridor, abruptly taking a turn, running straight into Joey.

"Sorry!" I practically shouted.

My heart clenched up, so did his fist.

"You stupid fucking bitch!" He seethed, grabbing me by the collar and slamming me up against the wall.

"Mr Turner!" An authoritative voice echoed down the hall.

I turned my head to see Principal Haas standing a few feet away from us with her arms crossed.

Joey put some distance between us, releasing my collar as he turned to face The Principal.

"We were just messing around." Joey explained falsely.

"Both of you to my office, now!"

We were quick to comply. Out of all the teachers at this school, Miss Haas was definitely the scariest.

We each took a seat in her office.

"Tsk. Mr Turner, I've been recently informed that you have been bullying Mr Harrington for the past year. I even witnessed a video where you and your friends pushed him down a flight of stairs. Oh, let's not forget the other video of you tripping him over and kicking him repeatedly."

"I'm sorry principal, it was an accident." Joey attempted to defend himself.

"I don't think it was. And from what I witnessed today." Principal Haas sighed and paced across her office.

"Your parents and Coach Mickey will be notified, and you will be suspended from the team until further notice."

"What! No! Can't I just get detention? Please, principal." Joey pleaded.

I kind of felt bad for him. He's always been so football obsessed.

"I'm sorry, Mr Turner, but this school has zero tolerance for bullying. I'm also giving you a week's suspension."

"You can't do this!" He protested.

"It's already done. And I would also like you to apologise to Charlie, here."

Joey turned to face me, his face fading from being angry to being furious. He stood from his chair and walked angrily out of the office.

"Charlie, I've noticed a lot of changes about you this past year." Principal Haas stated.

"That I'm gay?" I suggested.

"No. I'm talking about character changes."

"I assure you that I am perfectly fine."

"If you are being bullied again, please come to me."

I put on a smile and nodded my head before slowly leaving her office.

I couldn't help but wonder, who had told the principal?

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