21. The Great Apple Debate

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Warning: This Chapter includes themes of depression and self-harm.

This chapter is set a week after the last, during that time, Charlie was deeply depressed and self-harmed himself.

I decided to delete the first draft which include his emotional breakdown and just skip it.

Charlie's POV

A week had passed.

I was seated at our regular spot on the front lawn of Clarence High when Ella asked the most random question.

"Red or green apples?"

"Huh?" I rested my face in both my hands.

"Which are better? Red apples or green apples?"

Uh, The Great Apple Debate.

"Green." I answered. If I am being honest, I was not particularly fond of apples. I only answered green because it was my favourite color.

"Red." Clayton answered a second after I did.

I had worn a long sleeved t-shirt to cover up the scars that were left behind on my arm after my unfortunate breakdown last week. The incident happened on Thursday, and I hadn't been to school since last Tuesday when Ace had broken into my house and played Monopoly with me. I had told my parents that I was sick, and thanks to the miraculous creation that is google, I was able to browse how to actually fake it.

Today was the first day since that I actually felt semi-vigorous. That and my mom decided that I was no longer sick and said it was time for me to go back to school. "Good grades won't earn themselves" she told me just this morning.

"Charlotte! There you are! Where the hell have you been?" Ace sat down beside me, smelling of cigarette smoke.

Ella looked at me in surprise, mouth agape.

"I was not well." I said vaguely. It's not entirely inaccurate.

"Oh, are you okay?"

"Yes, all better." I replied softly as both Tom and Ryan approached our table.

I totally left Ryan on read the other night.. crap.

They each gave Ace a hand slap followed by a fist bump.

"Guys, serious question! Green apples, or red apples?" Ella asked them.

"Red." Ryan answered straight away.

"Yeah, red apples are delicious." Tom agreed with his cousin.

All eyes turned to Ace, who's eyes widened in confusion.

"Uh, green?" He answered cautiously.

"You all failed my test, all apples suck." Ella said dramatically.

"Are you guys ready for Paris?" She changed the subject immediately, leaning into her boyfriend's arm.

Crap. I'd forgotten to talk to Miss Saunders about me going.

Everyone said yes, even Ryan, despite him not even being in French Class.

"I didn't know you took French." Ella said to Ryan.

"I don't, Miss Saunders is letting students from other classes go also. Something about a budget."

Ella looked at me, since I was the only one who didn't confirm that I was going.

"I can't go." I frowned.

"But what about our plan to take epic photos in front of the Eiffel Town?" Ella mimicked my frown.

"Yeah, and what about our plan to see who can eat the most croissants in under ten minutes!" Clayton added with a frown.

"I'm sorry." I said. "I don't know if my parents will let me in my condition." I pointed to my broken leg.

Ella stood up furiously. "I am going to be having words with your parents!"

"I'm not underestimating your ability to be scary, but my mom is definitely more scarier than you. She will say no."

"Please, nobody says no to Ella Geneva Jonson." She dramatically flips her hair and walks away. Tom follows after her, leaving me with Clayton, Ace and Ryan.

I awkwardly scrunched my water bottle.

"Hey, Charlie." Ryan said shyly.

I turned my attention to him.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

Ace's leg was annoying shaking beside me and Clayton's chewing set me on edge.

"Okay." I said, reaching for my crutches.

"Did I do something wrong? You never responded to my texts." He said when we were out of earshot.

"Sorry, I've been going through something." Was all I said.

"Are you okay?"

"I will be."

"Okay, so we're okay?"

"Uh huh."

"Cool. I better go find Greg. I owe him five bucks. Talk later?"

"Okay." I turned around and crutched my way back to Clayton and Ace.

"What was that about?" Clayton wondered whilst chewing.


"You and Ryan Woodsen having private conversations is not 'nothing', are you forgetting all the times he and his dumbass best friend bullied you last year."

Ace slightly shifted beside me, looking away from the table but was clearly listening to every word Clayton and I were saying.

"He has changed. He said sorry."

"Why are you defending him? He's a typical douchebag jock who likes to bully kind people. What, do you have a crush on him or something?" Clayton said through gritted teeth.

I was speechless. I tried to form words into a lie but nothing came out.

Clayton's sigh set me on edge.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" He stood from his seat and shouted at me, causing people to look over at us.

"Dude, I think you should calm down." Ace suggested. "Don't want to cause a scene."

Clayton gave a dirty look to Ace before calming himself down and sitting back in his seat.

"Sorry, but I think it's a bad idea. Ryan is a leopard. A vicious and mean leopard with annoyingly perfect hair," Clayton paused. "And leopard's don't change their stripes."

Despite this conversation being all serious, I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Ace also laughed from beside me.

"Why the fuck are you two laughing at me?"

"Leopards don't have stripes." I said through laughter.

"Well, shut up! You get what I mean." He said, a hint of anger still remained.

Then he laughed.

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