23. A Cute College Dropout

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Nora's POV

I googled 'How to safely tell your parents that you dropped out of college because your idiot ex boyfriend cheated on you with a High-schooler'

Surprisingly, there was a reddit user by the username of Annabethxo12 who was wandering the same thing, but the comments were absolute nonsense.

Derek has been calling me nonstop, leaving me voicemails explaining that he made a mistake and that he wishes to talk about it. He was right, he did make a mistake.

The biggest mistake of his life.

Derek cheating on me was not the only reason I decided to drop out. College was okay in the beginning, but after time I just started to hate it majorly, I mostly blame my ex-roommate Debby, who was a real bitch.

I closed my laptop and unlocked my phone. Maybe I should figure out what I'm going to do post-college before telling my parents. I told them that it was a British holiday and that everyone had two weeks off of school. Thankfully, neither of my parents are cultured enough to know if I was lying.

I texted my best friend Vanessa, who decided not to go to college. Instead, she started working at her family's bakery across town.

Omg biatch! Hiiiiii! She texted back.

Want to hang out? I typed.

She replied instantly with a massive thumbs up emoji, followed by a cocktail emoji and a Purple Heart emoji.

It was five in the afternoon. I decided to wear my favourite black jeans, along with a red satin top. There was no way Vanessa wanted to hang out without going to a club.

The Uber was surprisingly calming. In London, every single Uber driver was either a creep or just outright annoying. This driver was around my age, and had no annoying qualities, as far as I could tell. He was also pretty hot, definitely a solid ten, and he wasn't playing nonsense music where you couldn't understand what the singer was saying. Instead, he played a calming symphony that consisted of violins, piano and harp strings. It was beautiful.

"Noraaaaaaa!" Vanessa greeted me when I arrived at The Enigma, a small but luxurious club. It was the only club in town, unless you take a an hour drive to a different town, or an extra hour and a half to the nearest city.

"Nessa!" I beamed, giving her a massive hug.

She has definitely changed since high school. Then again, so have I. Up until our senior year, Nessa and I were total geeks. Then came senior year. I had my braces removed, and she started wearing contacts. Apparently that's all it takes to get noticed, which I find to be totally cretinous of society.

"Look at you, college girl!"

"Ex-college girl." I corrected.

I told her that I dropped out before I even did it. Originally we had planned to go to college together, but then her mother started getting sick and she had to help out at their family bakery. Another reason as to why college sucked.

"Right... Let's go in, you can show me how the sorority girls get wild."

I laughed as I followed her inside the building.

Obviously we aren't of legal age. Thankfully we both still have our fake ID's from senior year. And the owner of The Enigma pretends she doesn't know our legal age, which is awesome.

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