50. Cross My Heart

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Charlie's POV

"I'm going back to college." Nora announced as we sat down for breakfast.

"Well, kind of. I'm going to attend the community college over in St Griffiths a few days a week, while maintaining my job." She explained.

I stirred my cereal with a spoon before taking a scoop and shoving it in my mouth.

"And instead of studying different subjects, I decided to stick with fashion and business."

"That sounds lovely." My mother said.

"So you're going to be a fashion designer or something?" I asked.

"Hopefully. It's always been a dream of mine." Nora explained.

At this point in life, I had no idea what I wanted to do when I got to college. I've always wanted to do something in the field of astronomy. Like, discover a comet, or something like that.

"What about you, Charlie? Any ideas for college?" Mom wondered.

"Harper, the boy still has another year to go before worrying about that stuff." Dad spoke.

"It won't kill him to think about it early." Mom said.

I continued to eat my cereal as they discussed it further, despite it being my life and my decision in what I wanted to do when I finished high school. My mother was a control freak. Almost everything she does has been pre-planned.

After finishing up my breakfast, I rushed upstairs to get changed for school.

I threw on a light gray sweater, a jacket to go over it and slipped on a pair of dark cargo pants. Then I wrapped a sweater around my neck, and looked at myself in the mirror.

I didn't know how I felt about this particular ensemble.

"Hey, Charlie." Nora appeared in my bedroom's doorframe.

I shifted in front of the mirror. "Do you think I look stupid?" I asked her, the girl who has apparently always wanted to be a fashion designer.

"No, but maybe you should change a few things." She suggested.

"Like?" I raised my eyebrows.

She walked towards my closet and threw the door open, digging straight in.

After a minute of rifling through my clothes, she turned to me holding a few items.

"Here, switch the jacket with this overcoat, and switch the cargo pants to jeans." She handed me the clothes.


I carried the clothes into the bathroom and proceeded to switch clothes.

When I returned to my bedroom, Nora gave me a satisfactory look.

"Better?" I asked her.

"Yes! You look so adorable."

I couldn't help but smile.

"Can we talk about, you know?" She asked.

"No, it's fine. It's all in the past, blah blah blah." I said.

She embraced me in a hug. "Love you baby bro."

I hugged her back. "Love you too. But don't ever hook up with my best friend ever again." I warned her.

"Cross my heart." She said.


I arrived at school just in time to hear the first bell ring. I had intended to meet my friends at The Coffee House before school, but Nora and I stayed and talked a bit more.

It was nice.

I know she screwed up, big time, but Nora has always been my best friend.

I hurried into homeroom and took my usual seat next to Ella. "Why so late?"

"Oh, I was talking to Nora." I said, shuffling into my seat.

"By the way, nice outfit. Very hot! If I was a gay guy..."

I laughed. "Oh my god, Ella!"

"But seriously, what's with the get up?" She wondered.

It was a tad different to my usual wear.

"Nothing. Just, wanted to wear something different."

She smiled before she started talking about the events of the Winter Fair. How her and Tom ate a tonne of food and made a bet to see who could last the longest without vomiting. Ella, of course, was victorious. I mean, the girl has a winner's complex.

For first period I had French. Honestly, I hadn't expected to go to France so early on in the year, especially since I, and most of the classic barely knew any French. But I'm glad I went.

It was the greatest time of my life, accidentally ordering a pig's testicle aside.

Ace sat in front of me, clad in his usual dark clothing.

I noticed he had plastic over his right arm.

"Did you get a new tattoo?" I asked, tapping on his shoulder.

He turned his head half way, huffed, then turned back to the front.

That was weird.

Did I do something wrong?

"Are you ignoring me or something?" I wondered in a whisper.

He slowly turned around to face me, an annoyed look spread across his face.

"We're not friends, okay? We don't have anything in common, and we don't really have to talk to each other. We're just two people who were assigned to sit next to each other in science." He turned to face the front again.

My mouth fell open, but nothing came out. I slumped back, dejectedly.

Is that truly how he saw us? Two strangers who happened to be seated next to each other in science class?

"You're a jerk." I snapped.

"Nice to know." He said over his shoulder in a husky voice.

My heart began to ache.


Hope you're enjoying the story!

Just wanted to clarify a few more things.

I'm not from America, which is where this story is set, so some of the things I write may be wrong, like the school schedule and stuff like that. If I get something wrong, please let me know, instead of calling me out rudely.

Also, i am trying my best to write chapters whenever I have free time. As soon as I complete a chapter, I publish it immediately. It's not as easy as it seems, so please don't send rude messages demanded a new chapter. I'll release it when It's ready.

Also, I appreciate all of the votes and comments. You guys are amazing!

Thank you for reading my story :)

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