5. Halloween in August

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Charlie's POV

Ella was talking nonstop about her birthday party this weekend as we sat at a table on the school's front lawn. "My parents said I can throw a party, as long as nobody destroys the house." She went on.

I wish my parents were that chill. My parents would rather hire a nanny than let me stay home by myself.

"Who will be there?" I wondered.

"Uh, everyone. Except for Joey and his stupid mates. Oh, but Tom and Ryan will be there."

"Ryan Woodsen?" Clayton queried.

"Yeah, I invited him."

"He bullied Charlie last year." Clayton stated.

"He apologised! Right, Charlie?"

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

"That doesn't make it okay." Clayton added.

"Well it's not your birthday. Besides, Charlie doesn't mind, do you Charles?"

She needs to work on a new nickname.

"It's fine." I said softly.

"Are you going to eat that?" Clayton pointed to the sandwich that sat on the table before me.

I shook my head.

He snatches and unwraps the sandwich, chomping down on it with a ravenous hunger.

"Hey baby." Tom announces his presence, kissing Ella on the cheek.

I'm cringing so hard right now.

"Hey Tommy." Ella cooed.

"Oh, hey Ryan."

My heart froze. Why is Ryan at our table?

"Hey Ella, hi Charlie." Ryan greeted us shyly.

I forced myself to look up and smiled. "Hi." My voice was barely a whisper.

"I'm going to go find Olivia." Clayton excused himself, giving Ryan a dirty look before heading indoors.

Tom took a seat next to Ella, taking a bite of her sandwich in the process. Ryan walked over to my side of the table and sat down next to me.

"So, what did you get me for my birthday?" Ella asked her boyfriend.

"It's a secret." Tom winked.

Ryan leaned in to whisper in my ear. "This is unbearable."

I laughed inaudibly. "Tell me about it."

I got the sudden urge to bite my fingernails, despite having already chewed them off due to unwanted stress and anxiety. Instead, I pulled down the sleeves of my sweater and grasped them in my palms. I was completely uncomfortable around other people. What are they thinking? Are they silently judging me? Do they think that I'm weird?

I force my thoughts away, trying my best to seem present in the conversation about Ella's birthday.

"Who or what are you going as?" Ella asked me.

She has always had a costume party every year for her birthday. She calls it Halloween in August.

"Not sure, yet. I'll have to go find a costume later." I replied. In other words, I'd completely spaced about her costume party. I haven't had time to choose a costume.

"Well, Olivia and Clayton are going as Bonnie and Clyde, so predictable." She said. "And Tom and I are going as The Joker and Harley Quinn."

"What about you, Ryan? Have you picked out a costume?" Ella turned to face him.

"I'll go find a costume this afternoon."

"Maybe you could take Charlie? Since he still needs a costume."

The sound of an approaching motorcycle interrupted our conversation. All of our heads turned towards the source, watching as it came to a stop on the edge of the parking lot.

Once again, Ace Caldwell wore everything in pitch black. He hopped off of his motorcycle with ease, removing his helmet from his head before brushing his right hand through those chocolate swirls. He seemed to move in slow motion as I watched him saunter across the lawn, his distant green eyes wandering before landing on our table.

Wait. Why was he walking towards our table?

Maybe I'm just being dramatic, he's probably just walking towards the empty table behind us. He does seem like the type of guy who prefers solitude.

But he wasn't going to the table behind us. He was coming to ours.

"Sup, Caldwell." Tom greeted as the bad boy arrived at our table.

"Sup, Barrol." He retorted, nodding his head to Tom before his eyes looked down at mine. "Sup, Connard."

That stupid nickname seems to have stuck.

I rolled my eyes with an inaudible groan. "You still trying out for the team?" Tom wondered, putting his arm around Ella's shoulders.


"You should come to my birthday party this weekend." Ella beamed.

Huh? Now she's inviting him?

He does seem like the partying type, but a costume party? I'd assume he'd rather burn twice as hot in hell.

"It's a costume party, but there'll be booze and more booze."

"Uh, sure. Sounds like fun." He smirked, sticking a toothpick between his teeth.

I quickly stood up from the table, causing everyone to look at me. "I gotta go, see you guys later."

"Bye Charles!" Ella said loud enough for the entire school to hear.

What's with everyone giving me annoying nicknames? I thought to myself as I walked back into school.


"Happy birthday!" I sang to Ella after arriving to her house on Saturday afternoon.

"Thank you!" She embraced me with a hug.

"Sorry it's so late, my mom and dad kept me home all morning."

I handed her a gift bag. Her eyes lit up when she accepted it, digging straight in to discover what was inside.

"Aw." She pulled out a picture of us when we were kids. "We were so cute!"

She continued rifling through the bag. I bought her favourite candies, a friendship bracelet, some vanilla scented candles and more photos of our friend group throughout the years.

"I love it!" She said, hugging me again.

"Did you bring your costume?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, I did."

"Good. If anyone shows up without a costume, I will evict them."

I chuckled.

No matter how bad life seemed. No matter how much I've been bullied this past year, or how much I've found myself low-spirited, my friends always seemed to make me feel better.

I've never told anyone about my undiagnosed depression, except for my sister Nora, who suggested I see a therapist. I refused. The thought of talking to a stranger about all of my problems made my stomach ache.

"Can you help me set the place up. I've packed all fragile and breakable things in my mom and dad's room, so nobody breaks them. We just need to set up the surround sound. And the lights. Oh, and also the snacks. And cups and drinks and all that."

"So basically everything?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

I chuckled again.

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