11. Harry-The-Plant

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Charlie's POV

I felt strange.

This morning i had gotten a cast put on my nose, and a blue cast on my right leg. Nurse Jazz also gave me a pair of blue and white crutches after explaining that I should keep weight off of my right leg for six to nine weeks.

Climbing the staircase with crutches was a struggle. My parents wanted to help me, but I dismissed them. If I'm going to have to live like this until my leg completely heals, I'll have to learn to do things alone.

Ella and Clayton have been coming over every afternoon to hang out with me, mostly to complain about what's been happening at school while I've been gone.

"Sweetie, there's someone here to see you." My mom barged into my room with a bright smile on her face. She moved out of the doorframe and allowed that someone to enter.

Why was she acting weird?

A familiar figure appeared through the door, dressed in his usual pitch black clothes.

Ace Caldwell was standing in my bedroom.

His eyes widened when he looked at me, taking in the cast on my leg and the one on my nose.

"Alright, I'll be right downstairs." Mom excused herself, giving me a smile before disappearing down the hall.

"What are you doing here?" I groaned, dragging myself upright.

"Mrs Dandry asked me to swing by and give you this week's work." He explained, holding up a thick yellowish envelope.

He didn't have to do that. He could have just left it in my mail box, or left it on the front porch. He didn't have to come inside.

Maybe he heard about the nerd getting beat up by the jock and wanted to see first hand.

"Thanks?" It sounded more like a question the way I had put it.

He placed the envelope down on my desk and began to walk about my room, as if he owned the place.

He traced his hand over the books on my bookshelf, then over the posters that were taped to my wall.

He made his way to the foot of my bed, taking a seat. "What happened to you?"

"Like you care." I rolled my eyes.

"You're right, I don't care." He shifted at the end of my bed, turning to face me.

"But I'm curious."

"I'm sure everyone at school is already talking about it." I picked at my fingernails.

"Must've missed it." He tapped lightly on my leg cast.

"I got kidnapped and tortured by the mafia." I joked.

His face was dead-panned before he bursted out laughing.

"You're quite the character, Charlotte."

That nickname made me want to break his leg.

"Is this our plant child?" He asked jokingly, reaching for the plant on the desk at the edge of my bed.

"I don't know, I think you've been a bad parent." I went along with it.

"Harry will forgive me."

"Harry?" I queried.

"That's his name, unless you wanted to name him?"

Ace flinched at the sound of my cat meowing.

I chuckled so hard that my ribs hurt. I winced at the pain.

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