33. He Listens to Bon Jovi?

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Charlie's POV

I had too much on my mind.

Tom seemed like a good guy, but how could I be so sure that he's telling the truth? Sure, Ella can be overly dramatic at times, but the fact that Tom had a secret friend that's a girl is admittedly suspicious.

Also, Ace.

Ace was arrested for fighting, just hours after our argument. Did I feel responsible? Kind of.

In the back of my mind, he's there, unrelenting.

After school had finally ended, Clayton and I went over to Ella's place to convince her to attend the football game with us without spilling the beans about what Tom had planned.

"I'm not going to the game!" She groaned into her pillows.

"You have to go." Clayton said.


"Uh, because... just trust us."

She removed her face from her pillows and looked at Clayton and I.

"I don't want to go. Tom will be there, and I don't want to see his pretty face and his stupid, attractive skills on the field."

I internally groaned at that.

I knew Ella. There's no way on this earth that she would be willing to go to this game unless we tell her the truth.

Or, option b: Blackmail.

I decided with option b.

"Ella, If you don't come to the game, I will tell your first crush about-"

"You wouldn't dare." She glared at me with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Wait, who was her first crush?" Clayton wondered.

Ella looked as if she was silently casting a death curse on me. I looked into her eyes, not wanting to surrender.

"Jordan..." I lied.

"Jordan in our class?" Clayton wondered.


"Fine, I'll go to the stupid game!"

Thank god that worked.

Ella went to change in the bathroom whilst Clayton and I waited in her bedroom. "I can't believe her first crush is Jordan." Clayton spoke.

"I know, right."

Ella has never had a crush on Jordan. Her real first crush was Clayton, who was, and remains to be, completely oblivious. She made me pinky promise to never tell another living soul.


I didn't know anything about football.

All I knew is that there were two teams, one football, a field, and that there was a lot of tackling. There were also times when someone's shorts ended up around their ankles, revealing their underwear.

Since Joey had been kicked off the team, Tom was now the best player at Clarence High.

I had texted Ryan before the game, wishing him good luck.

Is it weird that I still don't feel like we were actually dating?

"OH MY GOD! THAT WAS A STRIKE!" Clayton shouted.

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