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Mahir was on the couch with Veer as he had fallen asleep on his lap and he was stroking Veer's hair.

" Why he is sleeping in this hour ?"

Mahir looked at the owner of the voice to be his
elder brother's.

" He is tired Bhai " Mahir replied with a sighed.

" Tired ?" Ritik asked confused as he went near them and strok Veer's hair lovingly and seat near Mahir in another couch. " How he make himself tired ?"

" He had a panic attack bhaiya !" Mahir said quietly.

" What ? panic attack !?" Ritik said shocked " It's the second time he is having panic attack Mahir !!"

Mahir : I know bhaiya __and__

Ritik : Haven't you gone to the therapist ??

Mahir : We had bhaiya but __

Ritik : But What happen ?

Mahir : It happens only because of that
therapist office. He got scared and__
( Mahir told him everything)

Ritik take a deep breath and looked at Veer Who looked so peaceful in his brothers lap.

Ritik : ( Cares his cheeks) My poor baby , Wish I
could have done anything for you ( He
said guilty)

Mahir : Bhai why you are saying like that ?
You had done everything for Veer ! for
me ! You are the one who always stay
awake whole night if me or Veer is sick.
You got worried if we got hurt ! You are
always with Veer when he got
nightmares. Then how can you say that
you hadn't done anything for us huh ?

Ritik : I know bachha you don't want me to feel
low for myself, but you also very well
know that why Veer is scared of Therapy!
Don't you ?

Mahir : Bhai we have talked about it ! It wasn't
your fault ___

Ritik : No Mahir it was my fault__ if I__

"Bhai !??why are you both shouting ? Let me sleep na "

Mahir and Ritik conversation stoped by a cute sleeply voice. They looked at their baby brother
and chuckled as his eyes was still closed and he is complaining.

Mahir : Bhai ke bachhe !? Come on get up !
You sleep for too long now get up !?

He started to shake Veer.

Veer : Aare bhai aase maat Karo na Let me
sleep please ! ( He winced)

Mahir : No more sleep now !! Come on get up !
It's 8 PM already ! It's night bachha
Come on get up !

Veer : Who wake some one at night Bhai ! It's
already the time for sleep !! And you are
waking me up !

Mahir : No it is not time to sleep and you hadn't
have your dinner yet so__stop wincing
and get up. Come on !!

Veer : Bhai I __

Ritik : Veer !? Don't you hear your brother get
up !

Veer got up without wasting any time as he hear his eldest brothers voice and looked at them cutely.

Mahir : Utth gaya aab, humm ! Now go and
fress up !
(Pinched his nose as Veer glare at him)

Veer : Not fair Bhai you always do like this !
(Looking at Ritik)

Ritik : What have I done now ? ( He asked

Veer : Why you use your that demonic voice to
wake me up !? ( He crossed his arms)

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