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In the morning, everyone was eating breakfast in Sehgal Mansion. Veer, with concern etched on his face, asked for the almost 100th time, "Any updates from the police?"

Mahir, feeling the frustration building up, finally snapped, "Enough, Veer! It's not just you who's worried. We all are,too !We'll let you know if there's anything new. So just shut it !"

The sudden outburst caught everyone off guard.

Veer, with teary eyes, slowly uttered, "Sorry."
And silently left the table and retreated to his room.

Bela couldn't contain her frustration with Mahir's outburst.

Bela : Mahir I can't believe you ! That wasn't cool. Veer is just worried.

With this she went from there to check on Veer.

Manish : (sighed) We're all anxious about Ritik, but snapping at Veer won't help. Mahir.

Mahir, realizing his mistake, sighed.

Mahir : You're right uncle. I shouldn't have snapped.

Manish : Take a breath, Mahir. We're all in this together.

Mahir : I am sorry uncle, I made a mistake. ( Looked down)

Manish :  You have time to fix it beta.

Mahir : Yes uncle, I will fix it.

With this he headed to Veer's room.

Veer, tears streaming down, found solace as Bela tried to comfort him by rubbing his back.

As Mahir entered the room, Bela shot him a stern look, a silent message in her eyes saying, "Don't you dare to make him cry again."

Mahir, registering her expression, responded with a confused and concerned look, conveying, "I will not. Come on, he is my brother."

Understanding his unspoken assurance, Bela left the room, granting them the privacy they needed.

Mahir, rubbing Veer's back gently, apologized sincerely.

Mahir: Veer, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped.

Veer, sitting up on the bed, met Mahir's gaze with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Veer: I'm sorry too, Bhai. It's just... Ritik Bhai's situation brings back memories of our parents' accident. It's like I'm reliving that moment, and I can't control my emotions. The fear creeps in, and I can't shake it off. I am sorry I annoyed you. ( Sob)

Mahir embraced Veer in a comforting hug, gently patting his back.

Mahir: It's okay, Veer. Stop crying. None of this is your fault. You're not annoying me, and you can ask as many questions as you want. We're a team, and we'll find Ritik Bhai together. Your feelings are valid, and I'm here for you.

A solitary tear slipped from Mahir's eye, a silent manifestation of both guilt and the ache of missing Ritik.

Veer : Bhai

Mahir : Hmmm

He wiped away his tears and turned to look at Veer.

Veer : ( looked down) I don't want to go to college today.

Mahir: Veer, it's your exam. You can't afford to miss it. I understand you're worried, but education is important.

Veer, looking uncertain, met Mahir's gaze. Sensing his hesitation, Mahir added reassuringly,

Mahir: Tell you what, I'll take you to college, and right after the exam, I'll bring you back. We'll make sure everything is okay, Hmm ?

Veer nodded.

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