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~~~Welcome back, dear readers! The author has returned from the depths of creativity, and we've eagerly awaited your literary presence. Apologies graciously accepted, and now, we're thrilled to embark on a new chapter with your fresh writing style. Here's to the magic of words and the enchanting tales that await.  ~~~~🤗

Shivanya was immersed in her files when a coffee mug suddenly appeared in front of her. Looking up, she met the gaze of the person who brought it. A genuine smile spread across her face as she said,  " You needn't need to do this, Raghav."

Shivanya: Why not, I can do this at least, have it please.

Shivanya took the mug, smiled, and said, "Thank you. Your thoughtfulness just made my day a little brighter."

Ritik: ( entered her cabin)Shivanya, have you completed your file?

Shivanya: Yes, sir. Here it is.

Ritik: Thank you. By the way, Raghu, why are you in Shivanya's cabin ?

Raghu: I brought her some coffee, sir.

Ritik: That's thoughtful of you, Raghu. Shivanya, everything okay?

Shivanya: Yes, sir, everything's fine. (Internally: How can someone be fine talking to you? Is there a "How to Survive Boss Talk" manual I missed?)

Ritik: Good to hear. Well, keep up the good work, both of you.

Shivanya and Raghu exchanged glances as Ritik left, a silent understanding lingering between them.

Raghav: You know, Shivanya, your smile seems to say otherwise. Something on your mind?

Shivanya: Just a hectic day, Raghu. But your coffee delivery definitely brightened it up.

Raghav: Well, I'm here if you ever need someone to share the load. Friends?

Shivanya: Friends. Thanks, Raghu. Your gesture means a lot.

Raghav: Anytime. Now, enjoy that coffee, and let me know if you change your mind about sharing what's bothering you.

Shivanya nodded appreciatively, sipping her coffee as a warmth spread between them.

Raghav Dobriyal ( Raghu) Age: 29Occupation: Works under Sehgal industry Ritik 's best friend

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Raghav Dobriyal ( Raghu)
Age: 29
Occupation: Works under Sehgal industry
Ritik 's best friend

gentle, humble , responsible, calm person


Ritik: Shivanya, could you join me in my cabin for a moment? ( He just returned and asked)

Shivanya: Of course, sir. What's up?

Ritik: We have an impromptu visit to the other branch this afternoon. I need you to gather all the necessary documents. We'll be leaving at 2 o'clock.

Shivanya: Understood, sir. I'll ensure everything is prepared for our visit. Is there anything specific you'd like me to focus on ?

Ritik: Yes, prioritize the financial reports and the recent project updates. We'll need those for the discussions.

Shivanya: Noted, sir. I'll have everything ready
by 2 o'clock.

Ritik : Hmm, You can leave now.

Shivanya : Yes sir.

She left his cabin and sat in her cabin.

Shivanya (mimicking Ritik's tone): prioritize the financial reports and the recent project updates. We'll need those for the discussions.(Raises an imaginary cup) "Ah, come on, the efficiency of finding every document in record time my hidden superpower!"

(Grins and continues in a playful tone) "Guess I should wear a cape to the next meeting. Captain Efficiency reporting for duty, sir!"

At 2 -O' clocks

Shivanya and Ritik approach Ritik's car, Shivanya naturally heads towards the back seat

Ritik: Shivanya, why don't you join me up front? I feel like having a co-pilot today.

" What's wrong with him ?" She  thought but thought to play along.

Shivanya: Co-pilot? Does that mean I get to control the radio?

Ritik: Well, only if you promise not to play anything too embarrassing.

Shivanya: No guarantees, sir. I have a soft spot for cheesy '90s pop.

Ritik: (smirking) Maybe I should rethink this co-pilot thing.

Shivanya: Relax, sir. I promise not to subject you to my questionable taste in music ____at least for the first few ( She mumbled)

As Ritik started the car, the gentle hum of the engine accompanied a newfound understanding between him and Shivanya.

Ritik, breaking the silence, softly spoke, "Shivanya, about earlier... I owe you an apology."

Shivanya, taken aback by Ritik's unexpected apology, looked at him with a mixture of surprise and appreciation.

Ritik continued, "I realize I may have overreacted earlier. I appreciate what you did for Veer, and I'm sorry for getting upset." He sighed and  a hint of vulnerability, confessed, "Shivanya, I need to explain. It's not just about the fever; I  know  that he wasn't that feverish to not attend a football game. ( Sighed)
it's about the memories of what Veer went through in the past. It's like a switch that makes me overreact sometimes."

Shivanya, understanding the deeper sentiment, nodded empathetically, "Ritik, I get it. Past experiences can cast a long shadow. It's okay; you're just being a protective brother and Thank you, It means a lot. I understand your concerns, and I never expected you to apologize."

Ritik smiled, "Well, sometimes big brothers need a reality check too. Let's just make sure we're on the same team, looking out for Veer together."

Shivanya nodded, "Absolutely. Team Veer all the way." The car continued its journey with a newfound understanding between them.

They were going through a jungle road.In a dramatic turn of events, Ritik skillfully maneuvered the car through the winding jungle road. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a massive truck appeared, careening towards them. Ritik's eyes widened, and with swift reflexes, he attempted to dodge the impending collision.

The truck, however, had other plans. With screeching tires and a deafening crash, it forcefully connected with the car, sending it into a wild spin. The car skidded dangerously, teetering on the edge of the road before succumbing to gravity and plunging into the dense jungle.

To be continued..........


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