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Flashback continued...

In the hospital :

Puja: Radha, I am so glad we are  finally out of that nightmare. I can't wait for things to get better from here.

Radha: Me too, Puja. I'm looking forward to starting afresh. We have Raghav Bhaiya, our big brother, and our uncle and aunt to support us.

Puja: Exactly! With them by our side, I know we can overcome anything. Our future looks brighter now.

Radha: Yeah, we will make the most of it and leave all the bad memories behind. It's time for a fresh start.

Puja smiled at her.

Suddenly a nurse entered their room.

Nurse: Excuse me, There is a call for you from your family at the reception desk.

Puja and Radha exchanged puzzled glances, taken aback by the unusual timing of the call. It was past midnight, and their family rarely contacted them at such late hours. Despite their confusion, they decided to follow the nurse to the reception desk to answer the call.

Arriving at the deserted reception area, Puja and Radha found themselves standing in front of the counter and no one was there.

Just as Puja reached for the phone, the power went out, enveloping the room in darkness. Panicked, she called out for Radha, but her voice was muffled.

Unable to see anything, Puja felt a hand cover her mouth, sending shivers down her spine. When the power returned, she saw a scratch mark on the  person's hand, but the man's face remained a mystery as she fainted.

When Puja opened her eyes, she saw herself and Radha tied up in a car, with someone driving. She asked the driver who he was, but he didn't respond ,he was the same person with a scratch and his face wasn't visible as he was wearing a mask.

Another man from the front passenger seat turned around, and to Puja's shock, it was Dheeraj.

Puja:  You were in a mental hospital ! How are you here! And What do you want from us now ???

Dheeraj smirked in response, sending shivers down Puja's spine. Radha woke up, her eyes widening in shock as she took in the situation.

Radha: What's going on? Why are we tied up? And what the hell do you want for us ? ( She glares at Dheeraj)

Dheeraj: I am going to sell you.

Puja and Radha protested vehemently, but their pleas fell on deaf ears. Despite their resistance, they were sold off. During their journey to be sent to another country by illegal ship, they managed to escape.

Enduring immense hardships together, they desperately sought help from others, but no one came to them for help.Eventually, they found themselves in an orphanage, seeking refuge and safety.

After 12 years, Puja and Radha were living independently. However, there was a bit of tension as Radha had decided to leave her studies to support Puja's education. Despite Puja's objections, Radha took up a part time job at a restaurant to help with expenses.

One evening, Radha didn't come home after work, leaving Puja worried sick. She rushed to the restaurant where Radha worked, but it was closed. Frantically calling Radha's phone, Puja received no response. With a sinking feeling, she hurried to the police station, but they couldn't help her as it wasn't a 24 hour being lost.

Overwhelmed with worry, Puja dashed out of the station and accidentally bumped into someone, causing her to fall. As she struggled to get up, the person knelt down in front of her.

Stranger : Are you alright?

Puja looked up, surprised, as the stranger whispered her name.


Puja : How do you know my name ?

The stranger's eyes softened as he replied.

Stranger: It's me , meri gudiya.

Puja's confusion turned to disbelief as she realized it was Raghav.

Puja: Raghav bhaiya ? Is it really you? ( Eyes tearing up)

Raghav: (with emotion in his voice) Yes, Puja, it's me. I have been looking for you.

Overcome with joy, Puja hugged Raghav tightly.

Puja:  Bhaiya ( cried)

Raghav hugged her back patting her back.

Raghav : ( After pulling out) Where is Radha ?

Puja looked down and tell him everything.

Raghav got shocked hearing it and felt a growing sense of concern about the restaurant. He told Puja that they should check the restaurant. Puja nodded.

They returned and found the front door locked, so they entered through the back. In the darkness, Puja heard noises downstairs. With a shared glance, they made their way towards the source of the sound.

As they entered the storage room, Puja and Raghav were horrified to find three men drinking alcohol and Radha tied to a chair, unconscious and injured and dress tires. Puja gasped in shock, tears welling up in her eyes.

While Raghav grabbed a chair angrily and hurled it at the men, hitting them mercilessly as they tried to recover from the sudden attack.

Meanwhile, Puja rushed to Radha's side, embracing her tightly and trying to wake her up. Despite her efforts, Radha remained unconscious. Raghav quickly called the police and ambulance for help, and they arrived promptly. Radha was then taken to the hospital for medical treatment, while the men to the police station.

In the hospital room, Puja cried, thing about Radha, while Raghav tried to comfort her. When the doctor arrived and asked to speak with Raghav alone, he grew concerned.

Raghav : Is my sister alright? Did... did.. they  ? ( He looks hesitated)

Doctor : She was not raped, if that's what you're asking.

Raghav breathed a sigh of relief.

Raghav: Thank goodness. But then, what happened ?

Doctor: She was physically tortured and drugged.

Raghav got frustration and worried as he held his head in his hands.

Raghav :  What, What we do now? How do we help her?

Doctor: You need to handle her with care and ensure she gets the support she needs for recovery.

Raghav nodded and promised himself that she will make everything perfect.

Radha was deeply traumatized and fearful, preferring to stay at home and avoid going out. Even Raghav take them to his home.

Understanding her reluctance, Raghav decided he will introducing them to anyone after they feel comfortable. He decided to send them to college but Radha didn't wanted to go. So Raghav arrange for her  to study from home instead of attending college.

Puja only had one friend, Sanket, whom she knew from the orphanage. They lost touch when Sanket moved to Mumbai, but they met again in college and eventually became a couple. When Sanket asked about Radha, Puja simply said she was abroad, not wanting to share more. With no one else to confide in, Puja kept her sister's situation to herself.

As time passes, Radha regained her confidence and started bonding with Puja and Raghav. She began going out alone and eventually shared with Puja her wish to keep their twin relationship a secret. Puja agreed to Radha's request, to support her sister and make her feel comfortable.

Due to their agreement to keep their twin relationship a secret, Radha pretends to not recognize Puja when Veer and Bantu meet her and are called her by Puja. And  that's why they delete the CCTV footage to respect Radha's privacy.

End of the falseback~

To be continued......

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