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"We found two burnt bodies in the car.It seems to be a tragic incident."

Mahir stood frozen, unable to comprehend the words he had just heard. The news of Ritik's demise struck him like a thunderbolt, disbelief etched across his face as he grappled with the overwhelming reality. The weight of the situation sank in, leaving Mahir in a moment of profound shock and grief.

Mahir, grappling with the shocking revelation, asked with a quivering voice, "Are you sure... Sure that's__ that's my brother's ?"

The police confirmed the identities without a doubt.

Mahir, overcome with grief, could no longer stand as his emotions overwhelmed him. He collapsed to the ground, the weight of the devastating news bringing him to his knees.

The police, recognizing Mahir's pain, offered words of comfort, "You have to be strong."

They assured him that the bodies would be taken to the forensic lab for examination before being handed over to the family.

With a slow nod, Mahir accepted the reality before him. He made his way to the car, the weight of grief evident in the tears streaming down his face.

The haunting image of the burnt car and the memories of Ritik flooded Mahir's mind as he drove. Overwhelmed with grief, he couldn't continue, pulling the car to the side. Alone, he let the tears flow freely and cried his heart out.

In the house, Veer anxiously awaited Mahir's return, his emotions running high. Manish and Bela attempted to comfort him as the tension filled the room.

After a tense moment, the front door swung open, revealing Mahir, his expression heavy with the weight of the heartbreaking news.

Veer rushed to Mahir, desperation in his eyes.

Veer : Bhai where's Ritik Bhai ? And Shivanya di ?"

Manish and Bela, realizing the gravity of the situation, faltered, attempting to ease Veer's anxiety.

Mahir, tears welling up, couldn't withhold the truth any longer.

Mahir : The police found Ritik Bhai and Shivanya's burnt bodies in the car. I'm so sorry.

The news hit the room like a devastating storm, leaving everyone in stunned silence.

Bela, clutched her chest in shock, her eyes welling up with tears. A gasp escaped her lips, Her trembling hands covered her mouth.

Manish's eyes widened in disbelief, and a deep, anguished sigh escaped him. He staggered backward, finding support against the wall, his hands shaking as he struggled to process the heartbreaking reality.

Veer's world shattered upon Mahir's words. Panic gripped him, and his breath quickened. Clutching his chest, he struggled to find air as the room blurred around him. The weight of the news triggered a severe panic attack, leaving him gasping for breath.

Manish, Mahir and Bela, witnessing Veer's distress, rushed to his side, their faces etched with concern.

Mahir, with tears in his eyes, knelt beside Veer, holding him tightly in his arms as if trying to shield him from the harsh reality. Bela, shifting into therapist mode, approached with a gentle touch, her soothing words attempting to calm Veer's erratic breathing.

Veer, breaking down in Mahir's arms, cried out loudly.

Veer : Why, Bhai? Why does God keep doing this to us? First, our parents, and now Ritik Bhai. Why can't we catch a break?

Mahir, struggling to find words in the face of such profound grief. whispered,

Mahir: I don't know, Veer. It's unimaginably painful. Life can be so cruel, and I wish I had answers for you.

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