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Manish is engrossed in his work when his phone rings. He answers with a hint of concern.

Manish: Are you sure about that ?

Suddenly, Mahir bursts into the cabin.

Mahir: Uncle?

Manish motions to the phone. "We will talk later."

He hangs up the call, and Mahir looks at him, concern etched on his face.

Manisha: I know why you're here. They never reached the meeting Mahir.

Mahir, a mix of shock and worry on his face, starts to panic.

Mahir: Why would they miss the meeting? And why aren't they picking up their phones ?

Manish puts a comforting hand on Mahir's shoulder.

Manish: Calm down, Mahir. I've received information. Some of our staff saw Ritik's car on the highway, the route to their meeting place. We need to look into this.

Mahir, visibly relieved to have some information, still looks concerned.

Manish: Something doesn't add up, Uncle. We need to find out what's going on.

The two share a determined look, emotions running high as they prepare to unravel the mystery surrounding Ritik and Shivanya's unexpected whereabouts.


Bela notices Veer sitting at the dining table, not eating, his concern evident on his face.

Bela: Veer, come on, you need to eat. Skipping dinner won't bring them back any faster.

Veer looks up, stubbornness in his eyes.

Veer: I can't eat until they're home, di. I'm worried about bhai and Ritik bhai.

Bela sighs and sits beside him.

Bela: I understand, Veer. But you need your energy. Let me feed you, okay ?

Veer hesitates, then reluctantly nods. Bela smiles and starts feeding him, making it a playful moment.

Bela: See, not so bad, is it? Food tastes better when shared with someone you care about.

Veer chuckles, finally giving in to the warmth of the moment.

Veer: You're right, di. Thanks for making sure I eat.

Bela gives him a gentle pat on the back.

Bela: Anytime, little bro. Now, let's hope for the best and keep our spirits up.

Veer : Yes !

Veer finishes eating, and as the front door opens, he excitedly rushes to see his brothers and Shivanya. To his disappointment, only Manir and Manish, his uncle, enter.

Veer: Where are bhai and Shivanya di ? Why aren't they with you ?

Bela, sensing the tension, joins them, anxiously asking about Ritik and Shivanya.

Bela: Where are they? What happened ?

Manish sighs heavily, the weight of the situation evident in his expression.

Manish: Sit down, both of you. We need to talk. Ritik and Shivanya are missing. We don't know where they are.

Veer's eyes widen, and Bela gasps, the room filling with an air of suspense and concern.

Veer: Missing? But how? We need to find them!

Manir places a reassuring hand on Veer's shoulder.

Manir: We're doing everything we can. We'll find them, Veer.

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