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In Chapter 33, I mistakenly stated that Puja and Radha's father's name is Mohit, when it is actually Dheeraj. Moving forward, I will use the correct name, Dheeraj, for his dialogues. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

Mahir went to the balcony after tucking Veer into bed, gazing up at the night sky with tears streaming down his face. Lost in his thoughts suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Startled, Mahir quickly wiped away his tears and turned to see Bela there .

Mahir : Bela...

Bela: Mahir, don't hide your tears. It's okay not to pretend to be strong all the time.

Mahir pulls Bela's hand gently from his shoulder. And take a deep breath.

Mahir: I can't, Bela. I have to be strong for Veer. He needs someone to hold him together, and I can't afford to break.

Bela: I understand it's a hard time, Mahir, but you need to be strong first so that you can stand strong beside Veer and support him. It's important not to bury your feelings but to express them.

Mahir looks at Bela for a moment and again gazes back at the sky.

Mahir: It's hard, Bela. Too hard. And I'm just so tired... and lonely.

Bela places her hand gently on Mahir's hand. Mahir looks down at their hands and then back at Bela, surprised by her touch.

Bela: Mahir, you are not alone. I am here with you. (She looks directly into his eyes.) Not just for this situation, but for any difficult situation that may come our way in the future. I want to create happy memories with you and stand by your side whenever you need me. I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

Mahir looks at Bela in shock and holds Bela's hand tightly.

Mahir : Do you really mean it ?

Bela nods.

Mahir is at a loss for words, shocked and surprised by Bela's confession.

Bela: I know this may not be the best time, and I am not sure what you think of me, but even if you don't feel the same way, I will always be here for you, and..."

Mahir gently places his finger on Bela's lips, cutting her off.

Mahir: (looking into Bela's eyes) Bela, you are always the one and only girl for me. I want you to be mine.

Bela looked at him confused as Mahir hold her hand in his both hands.

Mahir: (with a hint of disbelief) I never expected this. I was afraid that what if you...

Bela looked at him confused.

Mahir: ( sighed) You know, my first priority has always been my brothers, especially Veer. He's my baby brother, my Jaan.

Bela smiles warmly, placing her other hand on top of Mahir's.

Bela: I don't just want to be your life partner, Mahir. I want to be Ritik Bhai's younger sister and Veer's bhabhi, No ! an elder sister. I want to be a part of not just you but the entire family.

Mahir smiled tenderly as he kissed Bela's hands and then pulled her into a warm embrace, and Bela hugged him back tightly.

"I love you." Mahir whisperd.

"I love you too." She said back.


In morning :

Mahir and Veer sit at the breakfast table and have their breakfast. Soon Bela joined them too.

Mahir: (glancing at the empty chair) Where's Uncle today?

Bela: Oh, he is gone for a walk. He wanted to clear his mind and get some fresh air.

Mahir: (nodding) Ah, sounds refreshing. With all that's been happening lately, it's good to take a break.

Bela: Absolutely. It's been quite thrilling, hasn't it? Everyone seems to be feeling the pressure.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings, breaking the morning calmly.

Veer, jumps up from his seat and rushes to the door. And open the door to reveal Bantu standing on the doorstep.

Veer : Bantu ?

Bantu: Veer ! Are you okay? You haven't been coming to college, and you haven't been picking up my calls.

"Bantu, let Veer say something."A voice interrupts them from behind.

Veer's eyes widen in surprise as Bantu's father, Anupam, steps forward into view,standing behind his son.

Veer's face lights up with a smile as he embraces Anupam, who returns the hug warmly.

Mahir, intrigued by the commotion, joins them to see who's at the door. Upon seeing Anupam and Bantu, a warm smile spreads across Mahir's face.

Mahir : Aare Anupam uncle, Bantu! Come on in.

Anupam looks apologetic as they enter the house.

Anupam: Sorry for dropping by unexpectedly. We didn't mean to interrupt your breakfast.

Mahir: Don't worry about it. Glad you are here. Take a seat, there's plenty to go around.

As they began to eat, Anupam spoke up, expressing his concern.

Anupam: I have heard about Ritik. I hope they find him soon.Do police information you anything ?

Mahir and Veer looked at each other.

Mahir : ( sighed) Well uncle a lot of things happened laterly.

Mahir tells them everything.

Bantu and Anupam were shocked to hear about Ritik's situation. Bantu turned to Veer.

Bantu : Veer, are you okay? I can't believe Sanket would do something like that, trying to kill you!

Veer : I am fine now Bantu.

Bantu : Still !

Anupam: Why in the hell would he do such a thing? And who sent that fake death body? It's all messed up!

Bela: It really is. We are all trying to figure out a solution for this uncle.

Anupam: We will find it soon. We have to.


Ritik: I can't believe this! Unbelievable.You are lying.

Puneet: Ritik, please calm down and listen to me. It's him ! He was the one who kid..

Ritik : Enough !!

Shivanya:  Ritik, maybe we should hear him out. Let's give him a chance to explain.

Ritik: No, I don't want to hear anything from him! We are leaving.

As Ritik and Shivanya moved to leave, Puneet called out to them.

Puneet: Ritik, wait! It's not just about you. It's about your brothers too, Mahir and Veer.

Ritik: (stopping in his tracks) What do you mean?

Puneet: Remember your youngest brother locked in the college storeroom? And Mahir nearly getting hit by a car? It's all connected, Ritik. It's been planned from the beginning, starting with the fire in the printing presses.

Ritik:  (shocked) How do you know all this?

Puneet: I know everything, Ritik. But you have to trust me.

Ritik: (skeptical) I don't know...

Shivanya: Ritik, maybe we should hear him out. Let's give him a chance to explain.

Ritik:  (sighing) Alright, fine. Start from the beginning.

To be continued......

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