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Mahir's eyes well up with tears, his heart heavy with emotion as he hears Veer is awake.

As they make their way to Veer's room. Bela reminded them it may be overwhelming Veer if a lot of people go together.

Mahir: You're right, Bela. I'll go in first.

With a deep breath to steady his nerves, Mahir enters Veer's room.

He finds his brother sitting on the hospital bed, his gaze fixed on the window, lost in thought. With a tender touch, Mahir cups Veer's cheeks, his heart overflowing with relief and affection at the sight of his brother.

Mahir: Veer

A tear dropped from Veer's eye.

Veer : Why Bhai why Ritik Bhai leave us alone.

Mahir: (placing a hand on Veer's shoulder) Veer Bhai is _

Veer: ( sob) I just... I can't imagine life without him. It hurts so much Bhai.

Mahir : Veer listen to me please ____

Veer : He said he will not leave us , he promised Bhai. But he broke it.

Mahir : He didn't break the promise.

Veer looked at Mahir.

Mahir : Yes bubba , Ritik Bhai is alive.

Veer : Wh__ what ?

Mahir : ( nodded) Yes

Veer : Ho__ How ?

Mahir told him everything that happened.

Veer: (tears welling up again) I__ I can't believe it. This is__this is incredible!"

Mahir :  Me too, but it's true.

Mahir hugged Veer  tightly as he returned it.

'Couch' 'couch '

" Hope we are not interpreting the brotherly moment." Bela smiled entering with  Manish.

They both break the hug .

Veer : ( smiled) No you are not.

Bela cupped Veer's cheeks.

Bela : How are you  feeling ?

Veer : I am good di.

Bela : You should be ( kisses his forehead)

Manish: Veer, my boy, I've been so worried about you.

Veer: I'm fine uncle

Manish: (placing a reassuring hand on Veer's shoulder) Veer. We're all here for you,  Don't feel that you are alone.

Veer : Yes uncle. ( looked at Mahir) Does that mean Ritik Bhai logo aabi b missing hain ?

Mahir nodded sadly. Bela approached him and put her hand on his shoulder.

Bela: Veer, Mahir, we are in this together. We'll find Ritik Bhai and Shivanya, no matter what it takes.

Manish: Absolutely. We won't rest until they're safe and sound.

Veer's smile lights up the room, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that surrounds them.

As Dr. Bhadra enters and checks Veer, the family shares a knowing glance, silently agreeing to shield him from the truth about Sanket's case. They exchange a collective nod, united in their resolve to protect Veer from unnecessary stress during his recovery.

After Dr. Bhadra left, Raghav entered Veer's cabin eyes filled with concern.

Raghav Hey Veer, how are you  feeling now ?

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