Mile High

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The reception, as marvelous as that was, paled in comparison to what was ahead of them. Joseph had saved this surprise for the last moment, as they were getting into the limo to leave the party right to the airport. By that point, she had changed out of her wedding gown into something more comfortable for travel (he had as well) but she still didn't know where they were going. Not that it mattered. They were married now and she knew she would go to the ends of the earth with this man. Crawl through hell and back. It didn't matter. She snuggled up close to him, wrapping her fingers in his to look at their rings.

"Not even one hint?" She asked.

"I guess you'll find out once I give you your ticket anyway." He sighed then with a smile pulled boarding passes from his jacket. He held one out to her, which had her name on it, and as she skimmed it quickly to find the destination she realized he was taking her to Havana. She gasped and looked at him.

"How did you-"

"It's come up a few times, being part Cuban and you said you've never been but always wanted to go." He replied. "I've also heard you shout Spanish at your mother."

"You speak Spanish?"

"No but I do speak Italian so it's kind of the same, I can understand a lot of it." He shrugged.


"Yes." He laughed.

"I never knew that." She said then leaned in to kiss his cheek. "These are first class tickets, really good ones. You...well you spent a lot."

"If you think that's something, wait until you see the hotel." He purred in her ear. She giggled because she was sure that they wouldn't be leaving it much. Even if she did have intent to shop and go to the beach she was sure they could fit all of that in during the week that they were supposed to spend there together. She'd never done anything like this but it was very romantic and she was glad that he'd chosen this specific location. It wasn't something she talked about a lot because her mother hated her father and she hadn't seen him since she was a very small child. She'd gone out of her way to learn Spanish in school and continue it until she was as fluent as she possibly could be since she thought it was important. It wasn't something she used much, though, but she guessed it would come in handy on this trip.

"You're absolutely perfect. Do you have any idea how much I love you?"

"For the trip or in general?" He joked.

"I'd love you if you took me to the back alley of a strip club for our honeymoon." She said and gave his hand a small squeeze.

"Should have told me that sooner I could have them turn the limo around if you'd like." He grinned. She laughed and shook her head then placed it back on his shoulder. This trip was going to be a memory of a lifetime. It would also probably be considerably private since it was another country and there would be less people to bother them. At least not nearly as many as were currently L.A. She was looking forward to having a normal week with her new husband as just a normal person and a dumb tourist. It was very appealing to take a break from the somewhat public life that she had been living for months on end.


Since it was late at night and the flight was considered a red-eye there was almost no one on it. They were also flying out in the middle of the week so it left them to be the only people in first class at all. Something that was nice because it meant they wouldn't be bothered by other people talking or moving around them. The seats were large and comfortable, even reclined back further than what she'd experienced before. When flying into the US from England she'd gone with economy class and that had not been fun. Ultimately, it had been worth it, but still not fun. After they were in the air for about an hour, Joseph grabbed one of the complimentary blankets and put it over both of them, then pulled her in close. He leaned down and started to kiss and nibble at her neck. She groaned softly.

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