Catch My Fall

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After an entire month had passed and she felt as if she was at a good place in her recovery, she started to do interviews about her experience with the cartel in Cuba. There were two reasons why she'd chosen to do it. For one, she believed that it may help other people understand what she had gone through and was going through while at the same time making it okay to ask for help, as well as the money. If she could capitalize on such a harrowing ordeal in some way she knew she was going to. Though that didn't mean she was speaking on behalf of Joseph, Jamie, or even Gina. She only spoke for herself and her own story. Nothing too graphic and nothing that would be exploitative of the others. Still, that seemed to be enough for these talk shows. Somehow she'd become an overnight sensation just by being in this horrible hostage situation. Her modeling gigs were also booked like crazy and she busied herself with work when she wasn't also with Joseph or Jamie.

Joseph was doing better as well. Sometimes they had therapy sessions together as a couple because it helped them to strengthen their relationship and work through what had happened. She felt it was just as important as having sessions individually. Joseph had done some interviews about what had happened but not nearly as many as she had. Before every interview the two of them discussed what was and wasn't okay to talk about publicly and so far everything had been going pretty well. Maybe only because Jamie was completely dodging any press or interviews. Not that she could blame him. He'd gone through things that she was sure she and Joseph didn't know about. Not to mention he was also addicted to several things at that point trying to cope with everything that had happened.

Gina hadn't stayed very long before returning home to her family, because that was what they wanted and insisted upon. Though she hadn't really wanted to go back because she wanted to stay with Jamie and try to help him she also didn't want to be cut off from her trust fund. This left him to be with the two of them most of the time. He was usually passed out on the couch all day, high on something or other and out partying all night getting wasted on whatever he could. Both she and Joseph struggled between kicking him out and forcing him to get help and also wanting to be his support system. They understood that he wasn't going to get help or truly be able to recover if he didn't see the problem himself. The two of them were making progress while he seemed to be going backwards.

One afternoon she came home and headed past the couch where Jamie was passed out and naked other than a towel over his lap to see Joseph in the office working on the computer. He was writing something. She came up behind him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before glancing at the screen to see what he was doing. He smiled and then turned to look at her as her eyes skimmed the text.

"Am I reading what I think I am?" She asked.

"It's just a rough...first...well it's an idea is all." He said, "I wasn't going to do anything with it before asking you though." She nodded. What he was referring to was a screenplay he was writing and from what she had read she could tell it was very obviously about what had happened to them when they were in Cuba.

"I'm fine with it." She said, "As long as you fictionalize it more than you tell the truth or at least claim a lot of it's fictionalized."

"That was the plan," He chuckled, "You're really fine with it?"

"It's not just my story, it happened to you and me, Jamie as well. I don't have any right to tell you what to do with your version of events just like you don't have any say over mine. We agreed on that, remember?" She asked.

"This is very different from doing and interview or telling a story, right?"

"Not really." She shrugged, "It's a way of telling the story and processing what happened. Besides, people are going to have theories and continue to hound us until they get the details. This may be a good way to get everyone off of our backs. I could use a break."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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