Learning The Rules

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[Note: This chapter is even more brutal than the last there's some dub-con but it's mostly consensual just in a weird way. Be warned that it's dark and definitely not for everyone. Also sorry it's so long.]


She didn't know what he meant by it only being the beginning but she did know he was pulling her back up to a kneeling position. Her head was still kind of throbbing from the hit and she glanced around at the cameras, wishing she could see this master guy from wherever he was. Obviously he was watching and probably recording. Hopefully all he wanted to do was watch. She couldn't bear the thought of him selling any of this for profit but why else would he be doing it? There was no way it wasn't expensive to get them both there in the first place. She looked up at him still noticing the tremor in his hands, mostly in the tips of his fingers. He had to have been drugged with something. If she had to guess it was an amphetamine. Either forcibly injected or they'd coerced him into doing it himself. Even if she hadn't come close to becoming a pre-med student she was well versed in biology and had been in all advanced classes for that. Plus, her dream of wanting to become a doctor had led her to do any research she could on her own to try to get ahead of the game before she started.

"Go on, you know what to do, or I can bring in someone else and you won't like that will you? Especially when I make you watch." Master's voice said from over those intercoms again. He put his hand on her head, once again she could feel the shaking through him even if it was very light. Like a vibration or gentle hum. She didn't know who this someone else was but if this was going to happen, no matter what it was supposed to be, there wasn't anyone else she wanted to do it other than Joseph.

"I...I am going to find it hard to perform under these conditions." He said.

"Then I will find someone who does not." Master replied, "You've been given something to help. I suggest you get started. You know the consequences."

"What consequences?" She whispered as her eyes trailed down to see that he was actually aroused despite the situation. That was probably what Master meant by giving him something to help. An aphrodisiac? Worse? Probably more than one thing if she had to guess. It was what was keeping him on his feet and not panicking. She wished she'd been given the same opportunity but why would they want her to be sedated?

"Ten seconds."

"Fuck." He muttered. "I just...I can't."

"You can do this, you've been watched before."

"Not by some guy keeping us hostage." He hissed.

"Then pretend it's not some guy. You're an actor." She hissed back.

"Seven seconds."

"Fine just...I'm sorry." He whispered, "Close your eyes." She wanted to ask him why but time was a factor and whatever this man was going to do to Joseph if he didn't follow orders by the end of the countdown was not something she was eager to find out. She closed her eyes and he grabbed her chin roughly, prying her jaw open.

"Four seconds."

"I'm doing it you fucking bastard."

"No talking, you are pushing it." Master warned him. Joseph grumbled something under his breath she didn't catch but then she heard his pants unzip and the rustling of fabric. With no warning she was yanked forward and his cock was shoved down her throat. She gagged loudly, her cry of pain muffled by the sudden action. It didn't stop there either. His hand gripped the back of her head and he began to force her on him back and forth. Using her like no more than a fuck toy. Something that was at least slightly tolerable at that point but not very comfortable. She hadn't been warned, but she didn't think Master had wanted that either. Her hands were useless and still restrained behind her back. "You can do better than that."

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