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Within the next few hours they were comfortable and in the office that used to belong to Master. Though they easily found out through files on his computer that his name was Guillermo Bardales. She supposed that would be helpful for the authorities when they came but there was also a problem with that. Namely getting their stories straight. Something that Jamie was being utterly unhelpful with because he wanted more drugs.

"You almost died, there's no way you're getting more." Joseph said, "Eat your food."

"I don't need much." Joseph said, poking around at the food on his plate. Maybe for him it wasn't anything significant but for her it was amazing. Real food after what seemed like ages of eating dog food and she'd take it.

"Do we have a location yet?" Gina asked from where she was sitting with Joseph, and Jamie at a table across the room eating the food they had been brought. She was at the desk going through the computer files since she was the only one of them that could read fluent Spanish. All she was learning about what the drug smuggling and human trafficking shit that had been going on there. Yes, there were several addresses but there was no way of knowing which one they were at. If they were even in one of the places listed at all. She'd been brought there while drugged anyway and it was yet a new house that she hadn't been in before. This guy seemed to have a lot of properties to do business out of.

"Not yet but, we do have Alejandro." She said and got up to walk into the hall to find him. He was down the hall in a room that he'd been given with his sister who was laying down trying to recover from the beating she'd gotten mere days before for what she'd done. He turned to look at her. "Do you know where we are? An address? To tell the authorities."

"You can't leave." He said, "You're Mama."

"Yes, but I don't belong here and this kind of life is not the kind I want. Gina maybe but she doesn't speak Spanish and I'm sure she'd like to go home as well." She said coming over to the bed and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Let me go with you." He said, "I'm a good worker, I can protect your house or clean it or both. Maria can come too."

"I'm not sure that's legal, but I also couldn't ask you to do that even if it was." She said.

"Why? It's better than here." He said. She wanted to bring up the crimes he had committed and the fact that she knew he was a murderer. One of the problems with that was the fact that a lot of it had definitely been done in self defense. The rest of it, she didn't know nor did she want to. He'd probably be investigated by the authorities and that wasn't going to work either. She didn't want anything bad to happen to him after he'd definitely been at least part of what had saved their lives.

"What if you took over?" She asked.

"Me?" He replied, "I...I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"I'm not strong enough. Or smart." He sighed. Maria laughed and opened her eyes turning to look at him.

"You are strong enough and smart enough. I will help you. If you take over then things will be better for us here. That is if they turn the position over to you." Maria said.

"You understand English?" She asked.

"Understand, yes, don't speak it very well. Maybe with more practice but I never had much of a reason to." Maria replied. "Listen to what she's offering."

"I don't want her to leave."

"You don't have a choice but you can keep in touch, we'll figure out a way." Maria said. He frowned but nodded then pulled her into a tight hug.

Getaway || A Joseph Quinn AUWhere stories live. Discover now