Lashing Out

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When she came back out into Master's room he was waiting there for her. Gina was on the bed still, filing her nails. Something which was confusing since a nail file could easily be a weapon, so how had she gotten it? Was she doing something to earn Master's trust that Joseph didn't even know about? If she was in here instead of out there with him, then maybe. It wasn't as if she could just ask. Before she could open her mouth to speak, Master grabbed her by her hair and forced her down to kneel in front of him.

"Open your mouth." He ordered. She glanced at Gina, who was still paying no attention to her at all, and then opened her mouth like he wanted. He put a pill on her tongue. "Swallow it." She nodded and did as she was told since it wasn't a huge pill, even though it wasn't comfortable and it really bothered her that she had no idea what she'd just swallowed either.

"What was that...sir?" She asked.

"Something that will relax you for transportation." He said and patted her cheek roughly. "Stay where you are, I need to make some arrangements." With that he turned and left the room and she wondered what in the hell he was talking about. She looked at Gina again who only glanced at her for a moment or two before shrugging and going back to doing her nails. She wanted to scream and demand how someone who was allegedly her friend could just watch this and have almost no reaction but she knew that wouldn't work out well for her. At least she now knew that what she had been given was a sedative of some sort she hoped that it would kick in quickly. It seemed like in these situations the less she knew about or experienced, the better it was for all parties involved.

As she watched the door, waiting for Master to come back, the minutes ticked by. Time seemed to get slower and slower. Things around her began to get hazy and weird. Sounds seemed to be muffled and warped like they were coming from underwater. She didn't really know what type of pill would cause that but it had to be the effects of what she'd taken. It wasn't much longer before she was unable to hold her and collapsed as she completely passed out with no ability to stop it.


When she woke up she was definitely somewhere else. Not Master's room. Her brain was still a bit foggy but she had some vague recollection of him saying that she was going to be transported somewhere. How much time had passed and where had she been taken? There was no way to know that either. The room she appeared to be in was a dungeon, like the one she had seen before when she'd first gotten there. It was a bit smaller but still the same layout, furniture, and design. She was in a cage which she only realized when she tried to sit up too quickly and banged her head on the top of it. Crying out in pain and surprise she ducked back down and rubbed at the impacted area and then curled up in a ball. The thing wasn't large enough for her to even stretch out all of the way. She hoped that she wouldn't be in there long but at the same time she hoped that no one would come get her to do whatever it was Master thought he had planned for her punishment. He'd said something about her acting like an animal and being treated as one, if that was what she wanted, so she guessed this was part of it.

Just as she was starting to doze off again, she heard a door open. She went to sit up again but then remembered that she needed to be careful about that so instead she just shifted to try to look out of the bars of the cage. In the dim lighting she saw a staircase and a man heading down them. She hadn't seen this guy before but he appeared to be one of the usual type of henchmen that dragged her around and did dirty work that Master didn't want to do himself. He got down and pulled out a ring of keys to unlock the padlock on her cage.

"Who are you? Where is this place?" She asked in Spanish. He gave her a look but didn't answer. Instead, he just pulled the door open and yanked her out of it by the collar around her neck. He brought her to her feet and then gave her a shove towards the wall which had a Saint Andrew's cross on it. She was pretty familiar with those. He got her into position, cuffing her wrists and ankles into place. "You don't have to do this, you know. You can just leave!" Nothing she said seemed to have any effect on him and she knew that she shouldn't even be trying it but the situation had changed. After what she'd done with Alejandro she knew she fucked up and she was much more terrified of the consequences than she had been before.

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