Tied and Denied

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Jamie came back into the room looking a cross between annoyed and panicked. Without a word he walked over to the couch and grabbed her arm pulling her to her feet. She didn't know what was going on but she figured it was useless to say anything and the last thing she wanted was to draw attention to the phone. She didn't know if the operator had already disconnected or they were trying to trace the call so the longer it stayed off the hook the better. He continued to pull her into the hallway until they were at the bottom of the steps where Maria was cowering on the floor looking desperate. The two men she'd seen from before were nearby, one of them looked extremely angry.

"Translate." He ordered her.

"No one said anything." She whispered. He rolled his eyes and turned her towards the guy who looked angry. "What seems to be the problem?"

"That one. She pulled me down the stairs when she fell, I want her taken care of." The man said, pointing at Maria. She turned to take a look and saw that the heel of the woman's shoe had been broken which was what apparently caused her to fall. From the looks of it she grabbed onto this guy who was now upset about it. She looked at Jamie.


"He wants her taken care of." She said, "I think he means murdered. Are you ready to do that? Huh? You fucking-" He grabbed her face tightly in his hand to shut her up right there, glaring at her in such a terrifying way she felt a chill run down her spine.

"Tell him I will deal with it." He said through clenched teeth before releasing her. She blinked a few times and rubbed at her jaw then turned to look at the man.

"He says it will be taken care of." She replied.


"Whenever he sees fit I'm sure, he's a busy man but he much prefers torture to murder. Death is easy. Suffering is hard, as he says." She replied because she was positive this guy wanted Maria shot in the head so she had to do something about it and quickly. It was stupid to kill anyone over what was certainly an accident and even if it wasn't, could she allow Jamie to be the one to pull the trigger? Had he already? She actually didn't know and she hated thinking that he may have done something so horrible.

"Send me a copy of the video." The man said then tapped his friend on the arm and motioned to the front door. With that they headed out of there in a huff and she breathed a sigh of relief. It was only for a moment, though, because she was grabbed a second later.

"What was that about?"

"I got you out of killing her if that's what your worried about but now you have to have someone torture her. Oh and film it because he wants proof." She said, "Good luck with that." He back handed her and shoved her towards the stairs.

"Go wait in my office, I'm going to show you what you get for being such a smart ass." He said, "Don't even think about moving from that couch either. There will be eyes on you."

"Fine." She said, "I don't care." She started to head up the stairs, feeling bad for Maria but at the same time at least she'd saved the woman's life and spared Jamie the process of either having to kill the woman herself or order her to be killed. She wasn't sure what the hell he may have done either, had she not made the decision for him so at least it felt like she'd gotten a bit of control over the situation. Even if it wasn't much.

"Did you make the call? I got you the phone it was all I could do." Maria said as she took her first step. She turned around and realized that what had looked like an accident hadn't been one at all. That had all been a distraction to get her what she'd promised, but at what cost?

"The fuck did she just say and don't lie to me I heard the word phone in there somewhere." Jamie snapped.

"She was asking about consulting Master on this, she doesn't think he'd like if you did anything to her before telling him." She said, "So she wants to make a phonecall."

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