Dinner and Disobedience

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The next thing she became aware of was Jamie picking her up to carry her into the bathroom. The door shut behind them as he gently set her in the tub. She groaned, the high had started to wear off and her head was pounding. She looked at him then slowly got to her feet and leaned against the wall reaching for the faucet so she could turn the shower on. He did it for her a moment later and she kind of just stood there letting him mess with the water until the temperature was okay.

"Sorry about all that." He said, "You were really out of it and didn't want me to touch you so I kind of just left you there to calm down."

"Huh?" She asked she didn't remember any of that but it was certainly possible it happened. "Then I'm sorry. I've never done coke before."

"Hits everyone different. Nothing to worry about. I'm hoping it's not requested again though." He replied and grabbed the soap to hold out to her. "Can I get you anything?"

"A stiff drink? An appetizing meal? Joseph?" She asked then laughed sadly as she started to get herself cleaned up. He sighed and moved back to lean against the sink.

"I wish I could do any of that but I'm working on it." He replied.

"What exactly is the plan once you do get his trust? I'm not sure you can kill him. He has a whole army of guys here. Also, you don't seem like the murdering type." She said.

"Well not usually but after seeing what this guy has done and been doing I'm not so sure it wouldn't be self defense and a public service." He sighed. "But more of the idea was to get to a phone and alert authorities to where we are. American authorities and someone not corrupt."

"Do you even know our location?"

"No idea but maybe we'll overhear it or someone will fuck up and say it in Spanish. You speak Spanish." He suggested. She nodded and started to gingerly clean the burn on her neck, hissing with pain as she did.

"Yes but they know that so I'm sure they'll be careful around me." She replied. "Tell me why this was part of the plan. For you to switch with Joseph."

"Not enough time for that."

"Give me a sentence." She growled. He shrugged then walked out of the bathroom to avoid answering her entirely. Maybe they had a good reason and they'd discussed it but she'd not been part of that whole process and it was pissing her off. Worse, she knew that once back out in that room she could ask nothing about it anymore which was probably why he'd left. Whatever was being kept from her was probably bad but was it too bad for her to know? She wanted to be the judge of that. Not them.

By the time she was crawling back out into the bedroom as she was supposed to do she saw Master at the doorway with Jamie and they were talking softly about something. She just laid down on the floor by the bed and closed her eyes. It wasn't easy to hear what they were saying but she did hear the word dinner come up a few times. Eventually, Master left and the door shut and locked. Jamie walked over and dropped what looked like a pile of fabric.

"Get dressed." He said without any explanation. She looked up at him and grabbed the fabric that was laying beside her. She sat up and unfolded it to find it was a very thin black dress, similar to the one they'd had her in before. She stood up and pulled it on then looked at him. He nodded and went to the door, knocking on it twice. It opened a crack. "She's ready."

"Come with me." Master's voice said from the other side. "Make sure she behaves." Jamie nodded sharply and turned to look at her.

"Wait there, do not do anything stupid." He warned and stepped out of the room. The door shut again and she laid down because there wasn't anything else she could do. Getting on the furniture without permission wasn't allowed and she didn't think she'd also have permission to turn on the television. All of this was still better than laying in a cold, dark cell somewhere so she wasn't sure she had too much to complain about. The minutes ticked by and turned into what seemed like a few hours, she wondered what was going on. Where Jamie had been taken to and why. Where Joseph was and if he were okay. Just as she thought she was going to lose her mind waiting the door opened again. Jamie stepped in wearing a very nice looking suit. An expensive one. How had he managed that? Maybe he was working his charm on Master better than she'd previously thought. He walked over to her and clipped a leash onto the shock collar that was still around her neck but thankfully hadn't been used again since the first two times. That didn't mean it wouldn't be but she didn't think he had the remote. Only Master did. That made her wonder how long the range of it was. Then again, she'd only obeyed while she had been in the room so there hadn't been a need to shock her even if he had the ability. She figured that though it might be really stupid, she had to test it out and see. "Get up we are going to have a nice dinner and you are going to behave. Do you understand?"

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