Blue Plate Special

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 They arrived in Havana at around 5 in the morning, which wasn't very fun. There was also a pretty significant time change so she was far more jet lagged than she thought she might be despite sleeping with Joseph for most of the plane ride. What really woke her up, though, was seeing the hotel room that he'd gotten for them. Not only was it in the nicest hotel she'd ever seen (and probably the nicest place in the entire city) but it was some kind of grand royal suite. If she had to guess it was costing him thousands per night. Something which bothered her because she didn't feel she needed to be so spoiled and at the same time she was abundantly grateful for since she'd never experienced anything close to this. It was like being royalty. Joseph didn't usually live like this either but she knew he'd had a better life growing up than her and being a celebrity he had definitely lived more than she had. Since it was rude to look a gift horse in the mouth she just decided to enjoy it while she had it instead of contemplating how much it cost. It wasn't as if they didn't already have a house to stay in or jobs to support their lives once they got back.

"Holy shit, there's an infinity pool out here?" She called once she'd discovered the private balcony. It was large and seemed to wrap half way around that area of the hotel. The pool wasn't giant but it was big enough to be considered one and there was also a small hot tub attached. "Joseph, you're insane!"

"Am I?" He asked coming up behind her to kiss her neck and pull her close, "Because I'm sure you hate this."

"I only hate that I've never stayed in a hotel like this before and probably never will again." She laughed, turning to give him a kiss.

"Never say never." He smiled and kissed her again.

"I'm hungry." She said, "As much as I'd like to stay here and get down to business I think it might be nice to check out a local cafe and have food there. Don't you?"

"What? No room service?"

"We have all week to get room service."

"And we also have all week to go to a cafe." He smirked. "But...alright, I kind of agree. Local food will probably be more filling and a very nice experience."

"Let me just get showered and changed from that flight. Okay?" She said then slapped him on the ass and hurried back into the room.

"Hey! You don't get to leave on that!" He laughed running after her into the bedroom. In the end they did have quite a make out and groping session not only getting undressed but in the shower as well. Unfortunately, neither of them had enough energy to progress into having actual sex because they both kept getting interrupted by growling stomachs and talking about food they wanted to eat. Nothing about it was lacking, though, she was very happy with the way things were going.

Once they'd both gotten changed she grabbed her purse and they headed out of the hotel. The street it was on was lined with different shops and restaurants. They stopped periodically to look at menus that were outside of cafes, though she had to translate a lot for him but everything seemed a bit too commercial and not very authentic. People were looking at them but she couldn't tell if that was because they were not Cuban or they were being recognized. No one approached them, though, so it was easy enough to deal with the staring. The last thing she wanted was to be hounded by fans and paparazzi on her own honeymoon.

Only a few blocks down from the hotel they came around a corner to a quieter area of the city that seemed much more intimate and real than the area they were staying. It was there that they found a small cafe that almost was unrecognizable as such from the street. As they entered, everyone in there turned to look at them and things kind of went quiet. She started to wonder if they were supposed to be there or not. She may have never been to Havana but she'd heard things about it. Mostly from her mother. Not that she knew how true they were since her mom had never had any good words to say about her dad so it was hard to decipher truth from fiction.

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