Dazed and Confused

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[Note: This is where it's going to get dark and uncomfortable. It deals with violence, torture, humiliation, and very dark concepts such as human trafficking and kidnapping so if that's not your thing then feel free to just avoid this story entirely]


Unsurprisingly to her, the text she sent to her mother remained unreplied to. It had definitely been read but her mother had always been cagey about answering any questions about her father and even when she had it hadn't ever been in a way that seemed like it was truthful. The only good news was that law enforcement showed up shortly after Joseph had called the front desk to talk to security. She went and made herself another drink as he was letting them into the hotel room. Then she heard him struggling to communicate because it seemed like one of them didn't know English at all and the other one was a bit rusty on it. Before he could come and get her she came into the foyer where one of them was already seated. He was in a uniform but the other was in a suit. His hair slicked back and he didn't look very on the up and up. His vibe was similar to the man who had stopped them in the street before.

    "Hello, officers." She said then smiled before taking a sip of her drink and setting it on the table, trying to be friendly even though one of the guys was creeping her out.

    "You speak Spanish?" The uniformed man who's name tag said Perez asked. She nodded.

    "Yes," She nodded, "We want to file a complaint about a man who is possibly a stalker or worse. Let me just get the letter that was slipped under the door, one moment." She stood up and turned to look at Joseph who looked confused about this and she realized that it would benefit him to know what she was saying.

    "What's going on? I'm getting about every other word...I think." He said softly.

    "I'm just explaining to them why they were called, where did you put the letter?" She asked.

    "I'll show you." He replied and took her arm to pull her out of there into the bedroom. His grasp was firm and she believed that he must have wanted to say something to her privately as normally he wouldn't have also escorted her to get an item she could easily get herself. "I don't like the other guy, the one not in uniform."

    "Neither do I." She said, "But they are here and we have to act normal, maybe we'll just downplay it a little. Where's the letter?" He sighed and walked to the nightstand where he opened the drawer and pulled out the parchment that he'd folded up and held it out to her. She took it from him but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her in close to him.

    "Just be careful what you say, alright?"

    "I will." She said and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. He smiled and let go of her so she could walk back out to the officers. Once she got to the table she held the paper out towards Perez and took her seat again, grabbing her glass to take another sip of her drink. "That was slipped under the door, it doesn't explain much. I certainly don't know what it means." She said, doing her best to sound as nonchalant as possible.

    "If you don't know what it means why did you believe it was dangerous enough to have to call the police?" Perez asked.

    "Well," She said and glanced at Joseph who was right behind her at that point, his hands on the back of her chair, "If this is just a case of mistaken identity, and it probably is, I don't want someone thinking we owe them money or whatever that's supposed to mean. Would you?" Perez gave her a look then turned to look at his partner who still hadn't said anything. He was writing on a notepad though.

    "Do you have any idea who may have slipped this under your door? You said something about a stalker." Perez said a moment later as he turned back to look in her direction. She took another gulp of her drink.

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