Burn Notice

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Note: Addressing the drug usage here with implications that Jamie has done drugs in the past. For one, I'm not saying he has (or Joseph for that matter). This is fiction. It's just a story. That being said I personally don't care if either of them has or currently do that's not really my business or anything I judge a person on. If it offends you realize what this specific situation is for them and what's going on and just try to accept it's a story and I made it all up. Thanks. 


"I'm going to tell you right now that I apologize in advance for anything that has to be done to do what I'm attempting to do." Jamie said after a long moment of silence. She glanced over at him and shut the water off since she was clean enough for the time being.

"I understand the first part but I am not sure what you mean by the second." She said. He stood up and grabbed a towel, holding it out towards her before going to the sink to rinse his mouth and start brushing his teeth. She started to dry off, being careful around her wounds. Especially the one on her shoulder. Slipping past him she opened the cabinet under the sink and found a first aid kit.

"Gain his trust and get the hell out of here." He said.

"We're on the same page with that then. You might have an easier time though." She said and started to unzip the kit. Inside she found gauze, peroxide, various bandages of different sizes, some aspirin, and tweezers. Nothing that could easily be used as a weapon. Maybe the tweezers but she'd really have to be in a position to jam it into someone's eyeball and she wasn't sure she could do that. "Can you help me with my shoulder?"

"Sure." He said then finished brushing his teeth and rinsing his mouth out before turning towards her to grab the stuff with shaky hands. "I'm really sorry about that bite I just got...into it. Kind of this character I created in my head. Not me, it's like...other Jamie."

"I get it, really." She said, "I'm just glad you could do that because it probably saved both you and Joseph a lot of problems in the long run."

"Going forward," He said, "I'm probably going to order you to do a lot of stuff, some of it won't make sense, some of it probably will. He's going to ask me to do very awful things to you but there is a way out if you don't think you can take it. I'm willing to just...accept the consequences of that if need be."

"And what are the consequences?"

"Nothing you need to know about."

"I think if I'm going to decide if I want to put you in that position or not-"

"Let's just say what they are was bad enough to convince me to do what I just did to you.

I don't think giving further detail will help with that. Then you'll just be less likely to do it if you really need to." He said.

"How do I-"

"Just outright refuse to follow orders until a point where I get punished instead of you."

He explained, "You're stubborn enough you can pull it off." She nodded, and though she didn't like to think about that possibility she knew it may come to a point where there wasn't any option other than that. It was hard to tell at that point. "This is going to sting."

"I know." She muttered, he was talking about the peroxide which he was about to put on her shoulder. Closing her eyes tightly she took in a deep breath and let him do it and then finish with a bandage over the top.

"Done. It's over. I won't do that again if it can be avoided. I swear."

"Do whatever you have to in order to make it look real." She said, "I already intend to be

Getaway || A Joseph Quinn AUDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu