The Chupacabra

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There wasn't much to say between them for the first hour or so because they were very aware of being monitored so they knew they still had to be careful. They also didn't have any clue as to if what they'd just done was going to get back to Master or not and what the potential consequences might be. She remained on the floor by the bed while he sat near the end of it stroking her hair soothingly as they both tried not to panic as they considered what they may have just done or more accurately, what she may have done. Was it a good idea to save that guy? Bad one? It must have been something wrong because of all the people to ask for help why them? It meant that no one else wanted to help the guy but at the same time no one tried to stop them either even if they'd plainly seen it going on.

After some unknown amount of time had passed there was a slip of paper that slid under the crack in the bottom of the door. It caught her eye and she looked up at Joseph. He nodded at her and walked over to pick it up. He looked it over then came to where she was and held it out to her since it was in Spanish.

The cameras for this room have been disabled. Best I can do for now. Still looking for a phone. Thank you for saving my brother.

She laughed softly, almost wanting to cry after reading this. Whoever that guy was, maybe it didn't matter anymore. He certainly was important enough to Maria for her to be risking her own ass to do these things for them and that was good enough for her.

"What's it say?" He whispered.

"That the cameras have been disabled for the room, it's the best she can do for now but she's trying to find a phone and thanks for saving her brother." She said as she stood up. He pulled her into a hug and she hugged him back tightly, both of them breathing a sigh of relief. Even if it was just the slightest of improvements it was much better than what they could have asked for at the moment. A little bit of freedom.

"I'm sorry we had to do this, I'm sorry about the plan, I'm sorry about what's happening to Jamie, I'm sorry that I don't know where Gina is, I-"

"Shhh." She said, "I know you're sorry and none of this is your fault so you don't have to apologize okay? We didn't come here by choice and we aren't doing any of this by choice. It's survival."

"I love you so much, more than anything." He said, caressing her face in both of his hands. A few tears slipped from her eyes and she nodded.

"I love you too." She whispered back. He pulled her into a passionate kiss and slipped off the robe she was wearing so it fell onto the floor. After that he gently picked her up and moved her onto the bed. Once she was laying there he undressed and quickly got over her, capturing her mouth in another kiss as his hand caressed her body. It was such a sensual and loving touch, one that she had ached for but hadn't gotten in what seemed like an eternity. She wasn't even sure how much time had actually passed with them there.

"We will get through this together. I know you're strong enough." He breathed as he slid his cock into her. Perhaps a very odd moment to have sex but she needed it, they both did. It could be slow and loving now. The connection they had needed for so long. She groaned and arched up towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he started to thrust into her gently.

"I know we will, I know you're strong enough." She whispered, another moan escaping her. He started to speed up a bit, his hands moving over her breasts to massage those firmly as well. She arched her back, her hips trying to meet his thrusts as she moved her legs up to wrap around his waist and pull him in even closer to her. He moaned and his mouth slipped down to her neck where he started to kiss and nip at the sensitive skin there. Both of them equally hungry for each other, probably more than they ever had been.

"I missed you so much." He panted against her skin.

"I missed you too." She replied then cried out in pleasure, "Fuck...I'm so close already. I need you...please cum..."

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