ᥴꫝꪖρ𝕥ꫀ᥅ 12 || ❁(Christmas special ❀)

851 21 4

(TW: violence,blood,knifes and all of that)

„Y/n! It's your first day at work." I was woken by an exited Lord Tewksbury.

„Oh shut up, Tewks! I'm already coming." I mumbled and he went into the kitchen to make some food.
I'm not even gonna lie to you, that day was one of the hardest days for me to even get out of bed. I had dreamed about my family. Well, I wouldn't actually call it a dream because it was was was more of a nightmare.

The dream

I was standing in our living-room and my whole family was there too. Well Anna and my parents at least since my brother wasn't alive anymore..
They were sitting there, reading while Anna was painting. She looked like she had cried and over all really sad. I felt a sting in my chest because seeing her like that hurt like crap. But they all looked tired and broken- Oh lord, what had I done?

„Father? Mother? Anna?" I asked but my voice echoed like it came from far away and they didn't seem to hear me. I then realized that this probably was a dream but it still felt so real and my gut feeling told me that this was pretty similar to what they looked like in real life. But my thoughts were interrupted by a knock.

„I'll get it." Father mumbled as he already got up. I was able to walk and move freely which was odd because that usually isn't the case in my other nightmares.
As soon as Father opened the door I was able to see the person standing there. The one and only Sophia Rae.
As soon as Anna saw her she looked scared for her life. I mean sure, she was the only one expect Tewks who I told about Sophia being a killer, she knew how dangerous she was but my father just gave her a smile and asked her to come in.

„So you might be asking yourselves why I'm visiting you today." she said with a smile on her face and everyone nodded.
„Well, I wanted to ask where Y/n is." she continued with a bittersweet voice and everyone looked at each other but instead something unexpected happened.

„We're not telling you, Bitch! You will never find her!" Anna screamed as she got up and jumped on Sophia to attack her, that all in a millisecond.
But sadly Sophia was quick. She caught Anna before she could even land, pressed a knife on her neck so Anna was unable to move.

„I've been nice enough now. Where.is.Y/n?" Sophia hissed, pressing the knife harder onto Anna's neck.

„Don't say anything!" Anna said through gritted teeth, trying to speak while the knife was almost killing her.

„We're not going to tell a killer where our daughter is!" My mother yelled.

„I'll count down from three." Sophia said.

„We don't know where she is!" father yelled but Sophia didn't believe him.


„We really don't!" mother screamed and it had to be the truth. The way she looked. Hopeless.


„Bye Y/n." Anna whispered and my heart broke.

„Zero." Sophia mumbled and then she cut Anna's throat. I screamed my lung out while seeing the blood flood out of Anna's cut throat. I screamed and my scream echoed through the cold and empty night.

Dream End

God- That dream literally made me wake up in the middle of the night! And I was even crying. What a mess- I probably look like one too. But who cares? I don't.

„Morning, Sunshine! How have you slept?" Tewks asked in an enthusiastic voice as soon as I dragged myself into the kitchen.

„I think my dark circles speak for themselves." I groaned and he just laughed at me.
„Fuck you." I mumbled and gave him my middle finger but I had to chuckle as he raised his hands as if he wanted to show me that he didn't do anything.

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