Chapter 12

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Lucas. P. O. V.

Haah... Yeah I can't run away forever... I walked inside the house and  aunty greeted me with a smile.. She told me to eat dinner.. But I  lied to her that I already ate ..I am not in the mood to eat anything

"did sia had dinner..?"

I asked and aunty nodded a yes...  I walked up to the room as slow as I can.. I would usually rush inside and lie down on  the bed and I am freaking tired too but still.. I strangely want to run away seems she didn't told lily anything so I don't know how her mood is now..

I went inside the room and she isn't there.. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. when I came back refreshed, I looked around the room  for her   , she was sitting on the balcony couch crouched, leaning her head on her knees.. I slowly walked towards her but she didn't even realised I was standing in front of her...

 I slowly walked towards her but she didn't even realised I was standing in front of her

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(their outfits)


I Called her.. my voice came out lower than I was about  to.. She slowly  looked up  and I felt a pang in my heart.. That sunshine smile she  would gave me as soon as she saw me isn't there.. She stared at me with a blank face but I can say it just by looking at her eyes .. She is mad and.. So sad...

" why are you not asleep ..?" I asked on that same low voice and she got up from the couch.

"I am going to.."

she said in a voice even lower than mine... She walked past me and my heart felt heavy with her every steps that my hand grabbed her's on it own and she stopped on the way. I turned towards her and she is standing still.. She slowly slid her hand away from my grip and I let her go.. I slowly walked inside and she was sitting on the bed dazed.. Her blank face is really... Haah..

"are you mad at me..?"

I asked.. Wow.. What a way to fuck things  up lucas...?!! I wanted to say  sorry not this..she didn't replied and stayed silent.. Haah..its obvious that she is mad

I crouched in front of her.. She didn't look down at me and turned her face away..

" sia.. I am sorry.." I said as I hold her hands and she slowly turned towards me.. I hurted her.. I can see that in her eyes..

" I didn't mean to avoid or ignore you.. I just don't feel like talking to anyone.. Cabel found me and asked me... I.. Haah.. I wanted to be alone for a while.. I am really sorry.."

I said and she slowly nodded her head as she took her hands away from me

" it's ok.. "she mumbled as she got up...i let out a big sigh

" I know you aren't OK.. Just scold me or hit me or I am fine with doing anything.. But don't be like this.. "I said and she stared at me with a blank face

" why would I scold you..? I said it's ok.. I am really OK " she said..

" sia.. You are such a bad liar.. I can easily tell whether you are lying or not.. "I said and she looked down..

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