Chapter 14

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"lucas... It's a success.. Yeah man we did it ..." cabel said in enthusiastic tone

"huh.. What..?" lucas  mumbled as he looked up from the file

" just turn on the TV" he said as he searched for the remote

" one of the branch companies  of obelia corporations.. Obelia dyes was sealed this morning for not following the safety rules and using harsh chemicals on it's textiles. many employees were reported to have developed cancer because of that.. this made a huge uproar from public as one of the biggest corporations of south Korea is being irresponsible and cheating their customers .. Public are asking for the president to give an appropriate answer..

" so they finally closed it huh.." lucas mumbled smirking..

"but why did you chose to close that dye  company first.?" cabel asked

"to cut out his slush funds .. He used this company as  a facade to hide his black money.. I.. just now... broke down his piggy bank.. Now we should move to the next step before he start his own.. Let's close his clothing business.. And slowly go down the order and hit him big " lucas said as he stared at the TV screen with a sinister smile..

" you are scary dude "cabel said as he giggled and walked out..

At the same time in obelia office Anas is fuming in anger as he throwed everything in the table   all over the place and screamed

" lucas.. you bastard.. How dare you... "

" mom..I think Dad lost it "jennete whispered to penelope, they are staring at him going crazy standing at the corner

" when was he normal to start with..? "she asked and jennete nodded a yes

" that's  right.. But.. Mom.. Why is lucas messing with dad..? For athy.? Wow.!! That lucky bitch " jennete mumbled

" I know right..? Mom and daughter are so good at having their husbands tied around their pinky  "penelope said
Athy saw the news  smiling...

" he really did that huh... " she mumbled...

' he won't stay calm after this... I know anastacius  well more than anyone else.. What should I do to know his plan..?'

She thought as she walked here and there.. Suddenly she smiled as she called jennete

"hello.. What a surprise cousin.. You called me first..?!"

" what.? I called you.. Sorry I called by  mistake ..." athy said

" what the... Are you kidding me..?...

Jenny come here for a second.." athy heard pene's voice and sighed in relief

Jennete just put her mobile down and walked away... Athy know she will do that since it's her habit.. Thankfully she heard Anas talking to someone

" yeah.. That's the house .. Make sure you take her out of the house just after he left the house and call him before he enter the auction hall.. he shouldn't attend the meeting tomorrow.. Understand..?"

She heard Anas speaking then ended the call.. She waited further but he moved away... She sighed as she ended the call

'jenny helped me just like I thought.. So he was planning on hitting lucas using me..? Then I won't be with lucas until the auction ends.. I will stay as far as I can  so that he can attend the auction well'

she thought 

The next day she went out of the house earlier in the morning  saying she have a meeting with the church father.. She waited on her car three streets away from their house and saw lucas's car leaving and sighed in relief.. She stalled the time as far as she can by walking in the park and then really met the father and had a chat with him.. lily and others went to attend a function and even raven was at helly 's house as she took him for a ride yesterday and he is still in her house as athy told her to keep him as much as she want.. There is no one in the house so she felt relieved.. She asked lucas if  they reached the meeting hall and he texted back a yes.. She smiled as everything went well. But that didn't lasted for long..

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