14 | The Shadow

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IS IT COMPLETELY safe to still be remaining in the bar now that we know they know we're here? More than you think. 

With more security and the police now aware of the rise in crime in this area, they'll think better to come back. That's what I'm hoping at least. Because there's not really anywhere we can go. Into hiding? Sure. Let's put ourselves through all that again. 

No, I'm ready to fight. My father ruined me, but the Romano's left me with the most damage. The fact that they're still here and fighting? It gives me all the more reason to end this. 

"Was California...alright?" Liza asks. I look up from where I was scanning sheets Captain Irons photo copied us, across the table in the booth we've taken as our own to Liza.

"It was uh...it was better than New York." I go with. 

"Were Faith and Alexei happy with it?" She asks. 

"I think Alexei was just glad it was over...Faith definitely needed a little more time to come around. She tried being normal for the first year but then...yeah." I scratch my nose and shuffle the papers in my hands. 

"Right." Liza drums her fingers on the table. 

"Eka did well though." I clear my throat, trying to change the mood.

"Oh yeah?" Liza smiles. 

"Yeah, got really smart. Made a lot of friends at school." I chuckle at the thought and how backwards it is. 

"What about you?" Liza leans forward, "Were you popular?"

She's teasing me. I don't like it. Wait. No. I do like it. 

I shake my head, "I stayed away from people." 

"And why is that?" She tilts her head. 

"I'm not good at making friends." I shrug. 

"How? You made me." She squints. 

"I was just lucky you were assigned to me and found me pretty." I smirk. 

"I didn't...I didn't invite you into the group because I thought you were pretty." She grumbles. 

"So you didn't?"

"That's not what I said!"

"So you did?"

"Aly - just. Ugh." She groans

I can't help but laugh at her setting aside my papers and leaning back against the cushioned booth. 

"I was quiet was I not?" I say after a while.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"So is it such a surprise that I'm shy when it comes to making friends?"

"Yes, it's exactly that." She glares. "You're confident in front of people when you're angry at them, or when you're confronting them, or when you're...killing them," I wince as she says the word, "But then any other sort of emotion? Like gratefulness, kindness - whatever - you're completely shitting myself."

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