33 | Put That Down

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•°. *࿐

WE HAVE EXACTLY ten minutes or so to figure out how the fuck we're going to get out of this interrogation room. Other than the door Viria left out of, there's another to my left. The guards are watching us though - and ever so closely. Could Xolo and I take all six of them? Maybe. Is it likely we also won't be able to? Yes.

"So, do we-"

"Shh." I guard quietens Rowan. 

He lowers his voice, "Should we-"


Now he tries whispering, "Do you think-"


"FUCK, I just can't win, huh?!" His eyes glare in the direction of the guard.

Well. That was mildly attractive. And also a sign that Rowan might be losing his shit. Someone as normal as him - someone like a civilian - shouldn't be this calm and casual. They should be crying and begging for their lives.

But I guess Rowan isn't so normal after all. I mean his life, maybe. But him? The guy is an enigma. 

The famous silencer guard steps forward at that, using the end of his rifle to tilt Rowan's head up and stare at his masked face, "You're not as important as the other two. I wouldn't get in trouble if I killed you."

He's also got a handgun in his waist. If only I could reach far enough and discreetly grab it. 

On instinct my arm is reaching up to kill this guy, but Xolo quickly grabs it and shoves it down between us whilst the attention is on Rowan, "I have a plan."

Luckily all of Rowan's banter and yelling - although probably not saving him - saves us from being shushed. 

"Quick." I whisper back.

"I can probably take out two guards before they start shooting. Do you think you could deal with at least one?"

"Then what about the other three?"

"We improvise from there."

"It's risky." I say after a moment to see if Rowan is still alive. He is. On the brink of annoying this guard into actually shooting him though.

"We die anyway if we don't." Xolo shrugs. I don't think he realises that he's probably the only one with nothing to lose. 

I mean I don't want Rowan dead. And Rowan got dragged into this all because he worked for the mayor's daughter. 

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